1. False. I can hate everyone, live in disharmony with them, and have a dismal view of the future.


    Because they are dumb and wrong constantly, which is also why argumentum ad populem is a fallacy.

    This is unironically one of JP's worst takes.

  2. Crazy people telling more crazy people there nuts which becomes a coping mechanism for there own problem. Like an ugly girl hanging out with a hideous one and now she’s a catch.

  3. Dear Dr. Peterson.

    I love your lectures and natural eloquence. BUT it's one phenomenON, more phenomenA. Thanks.

    Love from Grandma/Gramma/grammar

  4. Wow. I can’t believe I hadn’t heard this one before. Even though I’ve been watching for a while. This is actually a point of view I’ve never heard anyone say before, but I agree with it completely. But how would you measure harmony? You know, there’s this awkward notion that this really takes the power away from the therapist or the psychiatrist. You can’t medicate or treat what’s not in there. Unless you sort of stumble upon the solution together… so maybe the counter-argument is something along the lines of “well you have to soften the person up so they’re ready to change” and then the aim is to change towards greater harmony, whatever that means. But how does all of that relate to the idea of a mental disorder in a philosophical sense, I wonder. The problem that first comes to mind is this: who gets to make the demands? The whole thing can’t run on neat justifications alone, can it? Well, maybe it can, because you probably need to be social to some degree if you want to propagate your genes. But if that’s the answer, man does it leave a bit of a sour taste.

  5. Mental health is to have respect for yourself and others! I am so dissapointed to had value for you Jordan Peterson, I have respect for you as a human being but no respect that you value people like a Donald Trump who only brings chaos, hatred and racism in this world!

  6. You could devote your life to clinical psychology and never make this realization. Incredibly brilliant how he just abstracted out an already abstract subject

  7. It's so hard though. For example some people might have expectation of getting married, but maybe they were born or adquired a physical defect which hinders their confidence. At some point you have to let go expectations, accept defeat and move on. Otherwise you grow bitter and might even go crazy/depressed.

  8. I have always said this. People with mental health problems. Me included. Need help finding a suitable way to live and function in the world.
    If I had a job I was interested in with people who was kind and the wages was enough to pay for a small flat and my basic living needs. I would be working right now and not sitting rotting in a room in my parents house on sickness benefits.
    But the only job I a trained to do is as a paints sprayer and panel beater which is a highly skilled Job
    But the people who work in garages are just to stressful to work with. It’s a horrible environment where bullying and general unfriendly behaviour runs rampant. My last job was with a chronic alcoholic who in the morning would shout and be aggressive to everyone. I was stuck with him all day and one day I snapped and just got my tools and left. Almost every garage has a couple of these types and they kill the Job

  9. Mental health is first a product of the chemistry in your body. I think you know this very well, Dr. Peterson.

    The chemistry in your body can be unbalanced by: food, live events, exercise, social relationships, etc.

    As social animals, yes, you must be part of a group with a project that gives you a sense of living, but it's not the only brick.

    With all due respect,


  10. I had a great psychotherapist named Rudy Calabrese PhD (rest his kind soul). Rudy corrected me age 25 that I was not narcissist because I am gracious with people. The narcissist doesn't care. I really care about people. I had a psychiatrist, a doctor and he was a much lower level of intellect and kind of a stupid man in comparison. I'd never go to a psychiatrist doctor ever again. They most surely ruin your reputation in their notes. Everyone judges you after that. It is really something someone should look into. These doctors are wildly wrong in their approach. It is almost witch doctor with drugs that don't work. SSRI's are a BS story 10 miles long. The guy slandered me on his computer which made every nurse act insane around me. That whole industry should be shut down. This A hole diagnosed me and said awful things about me and put me on drugs. He was a criminal in my eyes praying on the elderly.

    Because I could find another Rudy (a nice man to listen to me), I've diagnosed and identified myself. People in my family have low level neuroticism. That is not bad, it is funny. My grandmother and father were high and moderate neurotic respectively. They passed this Italian gene down in a small amount and we all have it. It is very funny to me. It is a type of intelligence. Sometimes our weird thinking is correct. Some of us are extremely smart and that doctor was wrong and was the reason for mistreatment. Now that I am thinking about it I might sue that doctor. You gave me a moment to think about this. I'm going to drag this doctor through the mud. I'll until all the COVID studies are all done and I'll sue this POS for the anguish he put me through.

    I got the beta version of this intelligence and I'm stronger than most people with a 121 IQ. My brother is over 150 IQ and I think my cousin on the Irish side got a perfect score on the SAT and LSAT. He's like a MENSA candidate easily. So we have big intellect from both families and a little neuroticism is in there from the Italians. My grandmother did the evil eye thing where she turned her head to the side and pulled the skin down on one eye. 🤣

    We're funny kind people. I am currently trying to fund my niece so she can have children. That is not narcissism. I genuinely care about all the people who I have spent time with in my life even the ones that hate me. It was the shared moments which were great. I don't think of the past as just me going through life. I have the whole USA and world in mind. I want our culture to flourish. We are doing so well with the computers. The hacking needs to stop. They have to lock people up for tampering with people's computer systems. We have some adjustments to become "a more perfect union". I will work my ass off for the USA and family. Family first, USA second, the rest of the world too. My vote is always no war.

    Chinese and Russian engineers are partly responsible for how awesome life is here. We should work on a peace deal and develop the moon. It is a much better satellite than all our space junk. Maybe we can bring enough water to drill the moon and set concrete structures.

  11. More Suggested Interviews For Dr. Jordan Peterson:
    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel
    Salman Rushdie
    Ricky Gervias
    Aamon Animations
    Drew McCoy
    Dan Barker
    Thomas Westbrook
    Shaun Hutchinson
    Dan Mcclellan
    Zodanza Channel
    The Line Channel
    Aron Ra
    The Non Alchemist Channel
    Bart Ehrman
    Seth Andrew’s The Thinking Atheist Channel
    Trevor Poelman
    Andrew Neil
    Michael Burns
    Tom Nicholas
    Lewis Waller
    TMM Channel
    Sisyphus 55 Channel
    Duncan Channel
    Jimmy Dore
    Cody Johnston
    Tamim Albargouthi
    Chris Hedges
    Chris Mullin
    George Galloway
    The Kavernacle
    Aardman Animations
    Jane Elliott
    The Vanguard
    David Doel
    Stephen Woodford's Rationality Rules Channel
    Jon's DarkMatter2525 Channel
    Amy Goodman
    Abigail Thorn
    Swolesome Channel
    Pillar of Garbage Channel
    Alexander Haley
    Sam Seder
    John Iadarola
    Rashad Richey
    Noam Chomsky
    Jordan Meiselas
    Leigh Mcgowan
    Mike Figueredo
    Norman Finkelstein
    Knowing Better Channel
    Dr. Hakim
    Richard D. Wolff

  12. My take on this is ,go down the pub and tell your pals you are feeling a bit down or shit and you could get the response of " Whatever Gayyyyy!!!!)
    but when I sit and give a prayer to God saying the same thing there is no reply back so it's a way if venting without judgement 🤷‍♂️.
    And whatever helps,helps.
    And the select few of the group will genuinely ask " how you doing"
    As Mr Peterson said before " be careful who you share good or bad news with

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