Mental Health Arguments Fail to Address the True Gun Problem

The truth about the gun problem? Advocates are more interested in shifting blame than solving the issue.

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  1. Every single student in the United States should have to go through two psych exams a year
    Yes it would mean we would have to over clock our mental health services and that’s a good thing

  2. Trusting a politician is like trusting a snake. You’ll need to stop listening to the news and frankly the politicians because the majority of your fellow Americans agree to fund and have excellent mental health coverage. Also making the schools like a fort wouldn’t hurt. Your argument about taking guns away is really lazy, evil will always find away…. In the history of the works massive wars and conflicts occurred without guns. It’s an evil problem not a gun problem.

  3. Maybe stop telling your kids they can be gender fluid and confusing them. You guys are so busy sexualizing children you can’t see that YOU are the problem. It’s the parents, not the guns.

  4. Ever hear the line: yall need Jesus?

    A countries ideology is what governs the peoples mental health. For thousands of years we have used religion for this. Now it's wokeism. And we wonder why people's mental health is so bad. We are letting the mental patients run the asylum.

  5. Just a friendly reminder that the party who says you ain't black if you don't vote for me is the same party who does nothing for the black people and voted against there ability to have rights.

  6. If you think a politician wants to fix problems and everyday people's lives you're the one with the f**** problem politicians are there to line their pockets on me and their buddies pockets they don't give two f** about the regular American Joe

  7. The problem is improper gun management 9 times out of 10. And if a 15 year old has mental health issues, it is more than likely the parents not giving rhe correct attention to the kid. That is what starts and causes several mental issues.

  8. Just saying that after every attempted assassination of a former president, the gun grabbers call it a mental health issue NOT a gun problem…
    See we can both be propagandists for a political party.
    We’d look pretty stupid if that’s what we did right? Played off the tragedy of others would make us POS’s! Just saying!

  9. They benefit from us being armed and afraid. It is a way to control us and distract us from the reality that we are not being given basic freedoms to quality of life, true liberty nor the pursuit of happiness.

  10. Democrats always blame the gun not the person. But why not:
    Blame the car for driving drunk.
    The knife for stabbing.
    The spoon for obesity.
    The brick for smashing windows.
    The ocean for drowning.

    All while ignoring mental health. The plans are rejected by the GOP because of everything else Dems try to sneak in with the bill.
    IF Dema presented a true health bill, only about health, with no attachments for other pet projects like green energy, them it would pass.
    You are being lied to.

  11. If you read the bill she’s using you can see there are some great resources but it’s not perfect. They focus on low income and minority when it should be all kids of school age. They also list in the bill a penalty for business owners when the insurance they offer doesn’t cover mental health to their liking. Republicans pushed a bill that would make it illegal for new bills to be packed with things other than the intended solution. Democrats voted against it. Both are at fault but I support the one topic bill 100%.

  12. But Democrats said Obamacare was the "fix" to healthcare by putting it in federal control and taking it away from state control when it in fact made healthcare worse and more expensive. If you make federal laws putting mental healthcare into federal control it will be the same.

  13. Prolly cause that's voting on mental care to affirm transgender nonsense. A kids mental health starts with parents. No child should need a therapist if they come from even a remotely normal home. They need mom and dad as counselors. Social media, lack of security, and parents are to blame.

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