1. See ectjustice.com and ect.org. Law suits national around electroshock devices. See DK law group to join. No FDA testing of devices or procedure ever done. CA courts have proved brain injuries. Long term outcomes of electrical trauma are ongoing cardiac issues, dementia, ALS, CTE etc. Patients showing damages on MRI, VNG, SPECT, neuro/cog testing, EEG, EKG etc . Doctors own research describes actual structural brain changes that result from this to include damages to brain stem where autonomic functions reside. Consent basically describes temporary memory loss. 5 billion generated from this annually in US alone. See recent you tube videos by myself and Jane Rice. Medical malpractice firms interviewing around issues with consent. Suits filed against the FDA. These are NFL type head injuries just a different mechanism of trauma. Lies and cover ups for decades. Being used on our children, women in pregnancy, and our Veterans as well. Patients secondary to brain injury do not realize their damages right away. Inform and protect yourselves. Increase rate of suicide following ECT trying to find help and rehabilitation for TBI outcomes.A

  2. The use of electroshock or ECT has proved brain injuries by the CA courts around devices used. No FDA testing for safety or effectiveness. Dr. Bennet Omalu famous for findings of CTE in the NFL is stating similar outcomes expected given repeated brain injuries from electrical trauma in this. Current national device suit taking place in US. 5 billion in revenues from this practice in the US alone. Cover ups and harm for decades taking place at leading facilities. Used for many mental health conditions now and no longer a last resort. Patients are showing damages on testing. Increase in suicide after use of ECT in patients can find little help to address damages currently. This is also being used on our children and Veterans. Electrical trauma can evolve years out to include onset of ALS and ongoing cardiac issues as well. Given the situation of Covid more patients will be at risk for being offered this so inform yourselves. See ectjustice site and life after ect site. If you have had ECT please contact the DK law group in CA to see if you qualify for joining the device suit.

  3. So you're treating for something you haven't tested for. If you haven't tested for it, you don't know what it is, therefore you shouldn't try to treat it, since you don't know what it is. You're jumping the gun. You're rushing ahead before seeing what the problem is. That's wrong. That's the wrong thing to do.

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