How social media influences the mental & behavioral health of children age 13 to 17

While social media can sometimes be a very positive influence, it can also be addictive and lead to bad decisions. Kids in Wisconsin are experiencing a mental & behavioral health crisis, and many families are unsure how to address it with their children. That’s why Children’s Wisconsin is committed to helping parents get the answers they need. To learn how you can play an active role in your child’s mental & behavioral health, visit:


  1. Youth that were born in the social media generation are seriously screwed for life. It is impossible to untangle that from them… social media introduction to the world was another Hiroshima trajedy 😟

  2. Yeah if you have a 15,16 year old sister show them this video. 🧀… um let's be real. I think they have everything in check 🙄 we're well into the digital age.

  3. OH MY GOD…This was so DUMB. If you're going to have medical experts come in and talk about social media and the psychosocial developmental impacts, have them provide some useful insights based on real life experience not 60 year old grandma talking about "employers" looking at your tiktok feeds….like jeez. Seems like this video tried to both proclaim social media as this PURE healing element…ya good luck with that, even the mental health subs are filled with POS redditors practicing toxic disinhibition. So this idea you can "oh connect and utilize one anothers anxiety and depression to help eachother through it." is absolute BS spoke from someone who clearly had nothing further than a social workers degree. Then you got the empty headed PHD talking about "oh noooo the jobs!! think about the jobs these kids are going to lose out on!" no…thats not how the world works grandma. No banker really cares if their teller is twerking for instagram. Most people are smart enough to use alias.

    This video showed me the problem with therapy, its not advancing as fast as technology is advancing the stress of psychosocial development on children. clearly. It sounded like these people have been outside the clinical fields of their own studies for a VERY long time. It's one thing to practice for a long time, but if you're not keeping up with recent develipments, you fall behind and end up giving 2010 kids the advise you learned in the 1980s

  4. Cellular Girl

    Some boys tweet and some boys post

    But I subscribe the most

    Since I don’t tell them face to face

    I cannot find solace

    They may selfie. They may fake it

    I can’t seem to quit

    When I compare, and I’m impressed

    I simply get depressed


    ‘Cause we are living in a cellular world

    And I am a cellular girl

    You know that we are living in a cellular world

    And I am just a cellular girl

    Some boys follow. Some unfriend

    I’m texting till the end

    Since I’m addicted to my phone

    I’m left here all alone

    Some boys crash and some boys fall

    ‘Cause they can’t see the wall

    Social media is my bliss

    But real life I miss

    Repeat refrain

  5. Ask children in Ukraine that home just got bombed and their mother was blown up in front of their eyes how depressed they are and they have no bed food etc.
    Send these little crybaby whiner's over to Ukraine. Guaranteed they will be cured from their crybaby syndrome

  6. There is nothing positive about the internet. It was design for information gathering, which is what I use it for, schooling he kids. Social Media stuff causes people to spend all their time online and not wit family or the real world.

  7. This material is avant-garde. A similar book I read was equally forward-thinking. "A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age" by Theodore Blaze

  8. The good all days when the most you could do was play with friends, read books,do chores and still have spare time left and you were happy. Newer generations will never know what mental freedom is like.

  9. Yeah, the depression that was developed through extensive digital media use. This falsehood of "it's good or beneficial by itself", but you need to know how to apply it.

  10. IMHO, the risks outweigh the benefit. connecting through social media groups cannot really help people with subclinical or clinical mental health issues. In fact I have seen some alarming information and advice given by social media support/special interest' groups. Many groups are driven by $$$$$$$ and the desire to gain more visibility.
    Why not form a better relationship with your child so you can talk directly to them and not via social media? How can strangers give sound advice without knowing a person's life circumstance?

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