New Technologies for the Treatment of Mental Health | Chip Fisher | TEDxBeaconStreet

Chip discusses how his company is helping to reduce dependencies on medications through cranial electrotherapy stimulation.

For twenty years now, Fisher Wallace Laboratories has been working to improve the awareness of cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the medical community and to reduce dependencies on medications. To that end, the company, led by founder Chip Fisher, has marketed its Cranial Stimulator, a drug-free device available through prescription from any health practitioner licensed for electrotherapy in the United States, since 1991. The FDA-sanctioned device treats anxiety, stress, insomnia, and depression using micro-current frequencies that are said to increase the natural ability of neural cells in the brain to produce various neurotransmitters that help to normalize mood and sleep. These neurotransmitters also lower the cortisol levels that occur during periods of long-term stress.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


  1. During my time with 3M Healthcare, we saw many great applications of Electromedicine, but could only promote TENS for chronic pain and NMS for rehab.

    The great Colin Wilson once suggested that we each have an inner robot that can be very useful. For example, once we learn how to drive a car, we do it automatically and without conscious thought. But sometimes, it makes us unconscious. Most of us, I imagine, have turned onto a familiar route instead of the intended destination, through this robotic inattention.

    Wilson suggested that depression may occur when "the robot" takes on more than 50% of our lives. That feels right to me – the idea of becoming more present in our life can increase happiness and vitality. Tough to do though, when you feel like you're being flushed down a bottomless pit of depression.

    Big fan of using neuro-technology to upgrade the operating system of the human bio-computer!

  2. I bought one of those machines for chronic insomnia,but it did nothing for it,and I used it according to the instructions. If you buy one,make sure you don't exceed their money back guarantee period like I did.

  3. I have been using the Fisher-Wallace Stimulator for somewhat over a month now, and the results are incredible. As a lifetime sufferer of severe depression, I tried many types of treatment: exercise, medication, counseling, EMDR, and nothing seemed to create significant improvement. After just a few sessions with the Fisher-Wallace Stimulator, my depression deteriorated to the lowest it has been in my entire life. I feel like I can finally live a life worth living for the first time.

    My belief: EVERYONE with mental health problems should try this device. Unfortunately the drug companies are too greedy to let this happen.

  4. I have severe anxiety and the alpha stim works wonders. I have been using it for 6 weeks now on a setting of 3 for 60 minutes a day, and my chronic anxiety went from a daily level of anywhere from 6 to 9 (sometimes full on panic attacks close to 10) to now a daily level around 1 to 4 at the worst, and sometimes even ZERO at best. It is absolutely incredible. I hope more people discover this amazing technology for their own anxiety. And the best part about this is there has not been ANY side effects AT ALL for me! AT ALL.

  5. I guess people are afraid trying this instrument because it uses electronic power
    Instead they are used to take medication although it has many said effects
    I think this device need to be more public

  6. This technology is AMAZING. And I think it needs more acknowledgement. For the fact that is has a 75% success rate is beyond amazing. And the pharmaceutical companies shouldn't be concerned because I still use prescriptions as do many that use CES therapy. I think that prescriptions help, but so does C.E.S therapy. If anything, Big Pharma should utilize this technology as it can help people reduce or break their dependence to prescription drugs. I really want to get the Kortex Fisher Wallace device. Newly made and no prescription required.

  7. I bought two units four months ago, thinking I would use it for the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain in patients in my chiropractic / medical acupuncture practice. Before using it on patients, I used it on myself and my elderly mother. I find that results are best if used to “entrain” my mind every day. Both of us use this alpha stimulation unit everyday. I call it my happiness machine, and my mother is equally impressed with its effectiveness. This has improved my quality of life in terms of helping my resilience in dealing with life’s anxieties, and in my personal relationships including work and marriage. So happy I purchased the alpha stim micro-stimulation units for brain neuromodulation, you will be too.

    Alpha Stim microcurrent transcranial brain stimulation.

  8. Hello. Where can i buy this device?!
    I am from Portugal. I have serious depression and tourette as well.
    I need help. Can not sleep. Can not focus. To much ansiety….and sadness…

  9. This device and Hypnotherapy have made the biggest impact on my PTSD and insomnia. I actually feel normal again. I enjoy life and no awful side effects like with drugs.

  10. Just a note that it seems the trials had no baseline of the condition. Im not sure how measurements could be taken when there was no where to start except subjectively? . Any response?

  11. Be wary…
    These devices are only „FDA cleared“, not „FDA approved“, huge difference. I umderstand that this means it‘s only proven to do no harm, but that they were unable to scientifically prove it is beneficial.
    I own one of these things and the positive effect wore off after 1-2 weeks, which is what you‘d expect from placebo effect.

  12. I actually tried this device (very expensive device FYI) for sleep, anxiety, and panic. It did absolutely nothing to help me, unfortunately. I had high hopes bc I was and am still suffering terribly from these problems. The Company is honest and did refund my money, minus the S & H. Just make sure you return before the 30 day deadline or you get stuck with an expensive device that is basically useless. I hate drugs but most of these CES devices do not work IMO.

  13. I and 3 other friends have all purchased and are using the Fisher Wallace Device, now being rebranded as The OakTree or something like that, and we all 4 (all women, don’t know if that matters) swear by it to relieve depression and anxiety. We all notice that we need to keep using it daily to feel its continuous effect. The effect lingers for a few days to a few weeks, if we’ve used it for a few months, but we find that consistently using it is most effective. We each of us have times in our life, seasons, when we don’t need it, as we all deal with intermittent, stress related, depression and anxiety. It seems to make it so that things just don’t feel so stressful, like our perceptions of hard times changes. The events don’t change, just our ability to cope with him. We cope better when we are using the Fisher Wallace Device. It cost anywhere from $500-$800 each when we bought it, and we all think it was absolutely worth it. Zero side effects except one woman turned it up and had a vertigo attack. So we all use it on level one, the first level. Turning it up doesn’t seem to make it work better in our experience. It’s very easy to use and do something else around the house: dishes, reading, chores etc. So using it every day isn’t difficult. If one of us is going through a difficult season, and is not using it, the other friends can usually tell from how the nonuser’s voice sounds. Something about how they sound will prompt one of us to say, “have you been using your Fisher Wallace through this?” And once they get back on it, things are easier to cope with.

  14. These device such as Alpha- stim have changed my life. I’ve found that a 20 min session @ level 3 3x a day is perfect for me. After each session I will perform a 10min session on level 4 connected to my genitals furthers the experience. I love working from home and using the alpha stim. It’s discreet enough to use will on zoom calls etc.

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