1. She right it nightmare having diabetes I had it for 8 years. Before got it I got learning difficult and depression and anxiety disorders and menlth health problems. Having keep under control is hard work. It break my heart I never seem get break. It hard at time wanting to live I have find reason to carry on . Lost everything I love I am on my own for 18 monlths. Get very lonely . The cover 19 broken me in to. I been on medication for over 30 years . That before got diabetes. I understand how hard is for her and other with same illness . In my late 50s it hard to start again . Very sad.

  2. I had a diabetic dog. Who had complications with it. DKA he survived. Had seizures – low blood sugar shakes. Pancreatitis. He lived till 17 god bless but I had to take really hands on care and had to be on guard constantly. It really affected my mental health – I managed and would do it 15 more years Bc I loved him sooooo much but it was a lot of mental pressure. It was scary – my heart goes out to anyone who has to deal with diabetes. It’s a really tricky and exhausting disease to have. May God’s bless you all ❤

  3. it seems as if there is hardly anyone posting on this playlist. sometimes i need questopion answered you know some help with a problem with my diabetes. not montot monthsdown the road. sorry to bother you.

  4. i’ve had it since1994! i’m now 66 and it has gone mad on me. i’ve had serious conplications from it and one was from a diabetic med my dr. prescribed for me. he said it would help me with the high blood pressure i got with dibetes! i was on it for two weeks and was rushed to the hospital! i had ketoacidoses, one the worst complications of diabetes! i was in the hospital in a coma for five days thank God! i almost died! i fear every day that i will die. 😢 i try so hard to keep as well as i can but i’m older now and it has suddenly gotten worse. i take insulen and two oral meds every day and nothing helps ! its driving me crazy! i keep trying every thing i can think of. i follow all the instructions that my endo tells me to do, even the new diet whiich is extremely hard. i can’t have any kind of starches or sugars. i stopped eating anything with sugar years ago when i was diagnosed being diabetic only using sugar substitutes. i have lost a lot of weight finally down to my weight goal. for the most part i don’t get sick very often. i excercise at leastfour days a week. what the heck, now since i started that diet, i have gained 11 pounds in a little amount of time . i should have lost more! not fair at all! i’m losing my mind.

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