70% Mental Health VA Disability Rating – What It Looks Like

Mental health VA disability rating for 70%.

This option is for those who REALLY WANT a quick turnaround.
Medical Group: https://crm.zoho.com/bookings/CopyofYourFreeConsultationwithAME?rid=7c287237f867d2bb24f5cbf810ea8871ee9851688bd5c4f3465db5cb364f577eb9986ec17f9b6c0b150728ae0586a0a2gid5e28261aee10c33c1a62c3cf4c177686239ac03e24b91d57eccc43daf8ec90df

Dr. Prashant Sharma – Psychiatrist
📧 Email: prashant.sharma2@concisepsych.com

Dr. Rachna Patel – Physician
📧 Email: nexusletterdoc@gmail.com

Take control of your mental health
Use code: “CivDiv” (not case sensitive) for 10% off

🏡 VA Home Loan and VA Housing Education:
Apply Today – https://bit.ly/ApplyToday_VA Schedule a Call – https://calendly.com/vahousingeducation-team/one-on-one-mortgage-consultation

The CivDiv is not affiliated with the Department of Veteran Affairs, and TheCivDiv is not an accredited VSO claims agent or attorney.

🎯 Mission: EDUCATE and INFORM veterans to submit evidence-based VA disability claims.
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  1. None of this shit is true. Its all a scam to push vets to taking a 5.56 pill to save the government money even if you were in Iraq or Afghan. All these videos are hot garbage. I've slept overnight in the mental health waiting room because I didnt feel safe outside. I broke down several times and have been diagnosed with chronic depression. Fuck all these "professionals". No one fucking cares about unless they are being paid to "care".

  2. Is it worth sending back treatment records with my mental health claim if I'm going to claim Mental Health secondary to service connected chronic back pain to show I have an ongoing back issue? I have a diagnosis for my back pain, mental health and nexus.

  3. I just had my SSA Mental Health exam. She did say I have Anxiety, Depression, and she needs to figure out what else. Possibly Paranoia. Ive worked for the past 36 years straight and am nearing 50. Since losing all my loved ones its impossible to work. Ive had over ten major Panic Attacks in the past two years all at work. Every one of them were severly extreme, to the point I was taken out by Ambulance maybe six of those times. My blood pressure goes from 120, to 180 top number. It starts with the Heart, then severe dry cotton mouth, tingling fingers, diarrhea, feeling disoriented. It feels like im going to die, and symptoms last for hours. All mainly at work. I just can't function, nor fake happyness for eight hours. They say most are denied first few times.

  4. Thank you brother.

    I have my C&P exam for PTSD this Friday.

    Has been almost TWENTY years since I got home from Iraq. I have undoubtedly been suffering this entire time and have missed out on much in life.

    I believe I and more importantly, MY FAMILY deserve to be properly compensated for this!

    I was USED as an “asset” – now its time for them to PAY for that asset!

    God Bless all of us!

  5. Can anyone answer that if your symptoms box falls more over 70-100% but the Box 3A Occupational and Social Impairment Box is checked at 50%. How would it work? Would VA weight more of the symptoms section since symptoms don’t lie but Box 3A is based on Examiners Opinion?

  6. I had my c&p ptsd last month, and went to primary VA doctor for general health yesteray. The doctor kept telling me to see psych doctor, should I do it?
    And his face was kind of asessing and now thinking of negative vibes about my ptsd. Primary doctor have power to change my c&p and making me go to see phsych a trap?

  7. I had my C&P exam the end of May. The end of Jun I logged onto my VA acct and saw I was awarded 70% for my mental health! Back pain and hearing loss was denied (will be appealed), knees and tinnitus is currently deferred!

  8. Is there any truth to the “3 visit” rule? I’ve heard several of my fellow airman claim “to get VA percentage for any condition… you need 3 Dr visits for any particular condition”. For example, if you claim severe neck pain… but you e only went to the dr once, it’s not sufficient because you don’t have 3 visits for the same condition. Is there any truth to this at all??? Thanks.

  9. I have a rating of 10% for titinitus 10% for Migraines total of 20% I found out today I was granted 70% PTSD and 50% sleep apnea total combined rating of 90%!!!!! Today is the best day of my life.. don’t give up friends

  10. Found your videos as I'm preparing my claim. After watching this one a thought occurred to me; what would chatgpt say? As usual I, was pretty impressed with its response. I don't want to post the response, but I'll put the prompt here.

    You are a military compensation & pension medical examiner. What kind of questions will you ask a patient to determine a VA rating for mental health? Please create a q&a dialogue that will result in the patient receiving a 70% mental health disability rating.

    Each response will be different, but may be helpful for folks preparing for such exam.

  11. I had my c&p exam today and the Dr. was easy going I answered my questions straight forward and didn't talk too much. He said he agreed with me having PTSD and he was going to put in the "remarks" that I need intensive inpatient care to help me deal with my PTSD? Has anyone ever had that at their exam?

  12. I just tried the 988 for the first time and spent 30 min of them just going in a circle of asking me my name and clarifying that I actually want to kill my self. Didn’t realize it was an assist suicide line.

  13. I got 70% ptsd. The c&p ignored my hallucinations and frequent panic attacks and 4-6 migraines a month. 🙁 they dud approve tdui permanent and total disability with no further exams. So i guess its not worth the danger of fighting it. I wonder if the new rating for mental health will make a difference

  14. QUESTION… I’m retiring soon and will be submitting a BDD claim. Can you claim more than one pain or muscle/skeletal issue? For example can you claim bi-lateral shoulder pain, and neck pain, amd knee pain? I heard you could only submit one “pain” or muscle-skeletal issue? Thanks in advance!

  15. I just wanted to take the time to stop by and thank you for this video and advice! I did what you said and I was just bumped from a 40% for my other inservice connected disabilities to 70% with my anxiety diagnosis! Thank you so much for helping me navigate this rough terrain. I truely appreciate it sir.

  16. every single psychiatric claim of illness or disability is explained in wholly vague terms. Psychiatry, mental illness, and everything in-between is pure illusion. It's made up. You cannot convince me otherwise.

  17. I am 70% and I get compensation at 100% for other injuries. I left the US to get away from stress situations and be able to survive. Now the VA Medical facility in Manila refuses to provide even basic medical like physical exams, life sustaining medications or provide a doctor unless your conditions are service connected. They state no Orthopedic available, and VA removed all services no budgeting. This is the only VA medical center outside the US but on US Embassy property. There is approximately 50,000 US Veterans here that deserve full medical. Cant get answers from VA, congressmen, senators, President office all say sorry no budget. I don’t have a home in US no property, and my children wont or can’t allow me to even visit or stay with. I return for medical to US VA and it’s very expensive airline flights hotels etc to get even basic medicines, blood test. Just wanted you and followers don’t come as VA, President etc doesn’t care. Maybe some can assist us veterans here.

  18. I'm 30% for hearing. They denied my right knee and PTSD and depression claims because I didn't submit enough evidence. I submitted a supplemental claim with evidence of the event for the ptsd. I'm not going to pursue the right knee. I went to a C&P exam for the PTSD and it was tough. The DR. called the VA crisis line while I was there. It wasn't pretty.

    So the VA went into panic mode the head of the clinic called me and said I had fell through the cracks and they were sorry. They scheduled me for an appointment with a doctor about my meds because they said they must not be working. I told them this was the best combination of meds I've ever been on. I've been on meds since 1999 and I can't count how many I've tried. So today is Labor day and I'm sitting here crying feeling like I don't want to be here. I need to get back on the meds I was on. I want to say don't give a damn about the benefits at this point they can shove those up their rear.

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