How to strengthen Mental health : Part 2

In this video, I continue the discussion on how to improve mental health. Following part one, we now focus on practical steps to identify and address mental health issues. From recognizing a problem to understanding its cause and finding solutions, importance of self-awareness, journaling, and seeking professional help.
The role of physical health, including sleep, exercise, and nutrition, in supporting mental well-being. Medications, while helpful, are not the only solution—holistic strategies, including exercise, can be just as effective.

Part 1 –

00:00 Part 1 Recap
00:20 How do you improve mental health?
00:25 Step 1
01:50 Step 2
03:39 Step 3
06:30 Medications
07:53 Conclusion

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How to Improve FOCUS :

How to Sleep Better :

How to Improve Brain Capacity :

➡Standing Still – an original music composition:


  1. I will tell a simple truth, which is, if you have mental health issues due to your past, whether it is because of childhood abuse or broken or strained relationships, it's not treatable if you are a hypersensitive person.
    I've been to Psychiatrists and psychologists for months and the reason is that, these past traumatic memories are the ones that you have lived and experienced.. they cannot be erased from your memory as of today by any means.
    There is no medicine or easily accessible and affordable technology available, that can specifically target your traumatic memories and erase them. And those traumatic memories, that have stacked up for years are the reason you may be suffering from stress, anxiety, depression etc.
    Those memories will keep causing your body to release stress hormones continuously and make you mentally exhausted.
    Such mental health issues cannot be cured by fixing sleep, diet, meditation or exercises.
    Moreover such issues make one mentally exhausted in a way that even the basic habits or daily tasks become challenging let alone performing a self care routine.
    Such kind of mental health cannot be cured, since the very root cause (the old traumatic memories) is not addressed (don't know why no one talks and speaks the truth).
    When I countered the psychologists and psychiatrists i met, they didn't have any satisfactory solutions for this.

  2. Parents may even understand rocket science but they would never ever understand mental health. And students cannot afford to seek professional help on their own. It sucks for students of India. We suffer a lot and we're always on our own.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing it dr.
    Being a Growth oriented person, I have to take care of my mental well-being regularly, otherwise I won't be able to serve my expectations of myself, I deserve a holistic life regardless of anything

  4. I love the grounded reality of this channel!!!
    Retirement took a toll on my finances, but with my involvement in the digital market, $47,000 weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD❤️

  5. Are these the best videos in YouTube India on mental health today??? Doctor Sid … You are doing a great service to the society

    This video should go to all the citizens of India

  6. Vazhgavalamudan sir
    One of is taking medicine for schizophrenia she is MBBS doctor
    Is there any chance forher to be get cured
    Her weight is also increasing maybe due to medication
    Will you plz give some advice

  7. 1_ The Journaling

    2_ The Retrospection leading to Introspection,,
    and seeing what we call our very "self" ,,,

    2.1_ Seeing not the thought patterns but "how thoughts, impulses, emotions, compulsive reactiveness of our psyche,even what you call peace and happiness,, seeing where these definitions are coming,why do i call some of those good and others bad,,, " affect you in a predetermined way,,,

    Help hell better and

    3 _ exercise really instantly affects the anxiety levels

  8. Actually iam taking medication due to depression …i feel better but when i see people around me strugling ,…i think ,oo my god am i taking adventage life is to be strugled .thats why i hate taking medicine 😢and also iam not crying when i see an emotional movie that i used to cry ..that make me uncomfortable ….is these all are okey?

  9. PLEASE make a video on the things we can do to improve our mental health like affirmations, gratitude journaling, what is positive thinking and what are its advantages and disadvantages, meditation, mindfulness, helping one person daily, etc. and debunk the things that do not work.

  10. Can't help repeating the compliment I made in the Part 1. Your clarity and brevity is commendable. From my ongoing struggles with mental health, I have discovered a few things that were conspicuously missed in this video.
    1. The role of the Type, frequency and layering of sensory content (refer to Andrew Huberman).
    2. Beyond the yoga there are breathing and meditation practices which help you keep afloat while you solve the underlying causes of problems.
    A summary of what I've understood
    How to Improve Mental Health

    1. Awareness of the problem

    • You want to do something but are unable to do it. If this is the case then seek help

    2. What is the problem

    • Tendency to deny as it feels personal rather than just another part of your body which is not functional.

    • Journaling is a great way to discover your thoughts. Allows you to explore your state of mind and spot the problem.

    3. Why is there a problem

    • What has led to this situation.

    • What has caused you to have this problem today.

    • Abuse of substances.

    • Abuse/Hacking of the reward mechanism of the brain by you consciously or unconsciously. Initially maybe as entertainment then all the way to addiction and dependence.

    • Usually, the answer is in the past.

    • In the childhood

    • As a teenager.

    • Experiences you have had.

    • Substances

    • Type, frequency and layering of sensory content (refer to Andrew Huberman)

    • Understanding this chain of causality is important.

    4. Solution of the problem

    • Usually involves having a conversation usually with yourself but also with people you love.

    • Difficult because it explores things which have hurt you or them.

    • Helps to have a therapist who will help you navigate this in an orderly and safe way. Keeps the discussion from digressing, spiralling out of control and making you lost and helpless.

    • Importance of physical health in the health of your brain

    • What you eat

    • How well and how much you sleep. Maintaining your circadian rhythm and light exposure (also refer Andrew Huberman)

    • What and how much you exercise (also refer Wendy Suzuki).

    • Environment you live in (Physical, social and mental: All from positive and negative perspectives. Also refer to your level of adaptability and stressor level).

    • Medications: They may be necessary and the doctors should be trusted.

    • They may not be a cure for everything but will be a support system to your other endeavours to get your mental health right.

    • Alternate ways to better mental health:

    • Yoga

    • Sports

    • Dance

    • Meditation

    Improving mental health is a multi-faceted journey where getting many things right may all synergise to pull you out of a trough but also spur you from a -1 to 0 to +1 and Beyond (Kungfu Panda style).

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