Depression Treatment Options: A Quick-Start Guide: What to Do If You’re Diagnosed With Depression

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Depression Treatment Options: A Quick-Start Guide
You or someone you care about has been diagnosed with depression. So now what? In this video, I’m going to teach five essential things you should know to get started treating your depression right away. I’ll share 14 research-backed treatment options for depression and help you get connected to local resources. Depression doesn’t have to be permanent. It’s treatable – here’s how.

First: A depression diagnosis does not mean that you are defective, nor that it’s your fault. You’re not broken, and the disorder is treatable. It is not a character trait or just a chemical imbalance. Depression is a real and challenging condition that combines biology, life experience, thoughts, and actions to create a pattern that is difficult to break out of on your own. But with the right resources and support things can get way better!

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Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC, and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.

About Me:
I’m Emma McAdam. I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and I have worked in various settings of change and growth since 2004. My experience includes juvenile corrections, adventure therapy programs, wilderness therapy programs, an eating disorder treatment center, a residential treatment center, and I currently work in an outpatient therapy clinic.

In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life’s direction.
And deeper than all of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ orients my personal worldview and sense of security, peace, hope, and love

If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services.
Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
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  1. I m 34 yr old struggle with dipression and Enxity taking madicine from 2 month but not working…plz any body suggest what should I do how I cure my problem. 😭

  2. Wow! I’ve asked my doctor twice now if I can get tested for vitamin deficiencies and his words seriously were, “that vitamin D deficiency is just a trend“. Since my doctor doesn’t do it where else can I go to get tested for vitamin deficiency?

  3. YeH what do I do if I reach out for help from professionals and they don't reach back like they said…and then..MONTHS later I get the umph again. TO get help and they seem kind but then send me a 7plus page to fill out online that won't let me follow through without filling out answers I apparently don't have the answers to or are incorrect. Do they not know hoe much it takes to reach out for help?@ why is it SO HARD!!?!?!?!

  4. What if depression was in fact triggered by my own fault and literally broke myself. I injured myself, now I live with pain daily which makes me feel guilty and depressed. I feel like nobody and nothing can help me.

  5. My seasonal depression causes by wear winter clothes all the time see other people wear summer clothes on tv or In public makes me depressied in winter no explanation for this .doesn't happen when I wear summer clothes in autumn late spring and summer.
    Seasonal depression caused by cold not less daylight In winter .if cloudy and warm I feel happy.fine and cold weather I'm depressed.
    I don't like brights lights .

  6. Funny how I grew up before smartphones and tablets became ubiquitous and was not allowed to drink coffee, yet I was a mental train wreck with terrible insomnia, spent my late elementary school years sobbing in the social worker's office about how unhappy I was, and was on meds that nowadays would never be prescribed to someone under 18.

    Now as an adult I drink tons of coffee and can't fall asleep without watching a random documentary or podcast on YouTube, yet I'm in a much better place mentally.

  7. Purpose. Thats a big one. Significant changes have occurred over the past 2 years and I'm really struggling to figure out what my life is for now. I was heading in a direction in which i thought i knew, but due to some misunderstanding, i am very unsure. And my thoughts are feeling are running a-muck.

  8. My medications acted like it was helping but it didn't, my
    therapist made it worse. I have microdosed golden
    teachers shrooms for 4months now, and I have never felt
    this better before! Look at my YouTube title he's the best
    mycologists I have ever encountered!……….

  9. My life is Soo bad i dont wana live like this anymore 😞..i dont have strength ir stabilty to find Help and go throw this ..maybe i dont ONLY have depression maybe have something worst that causes depression

  10. I have severe depression, generalized anxiety disorder, ptsd and crohns so even though I have tried many medications nothing helps the lack of motivation or desire or interest. It helps a bit with anxiety but I am exhausted and can't work since last year and financially stressed. My husband has health issues as well and we just can't get ahead of this.

  11. My panic attacks is returning to me more than 5 times 😢im very weak and my doctor he advised me to take Fluoxetine 20 mg and I started yesterday and I feel week and sick and scared and high pressure and bad situation is very bad i think im dying, and they told me the said effect is going to 1 months and after the medical is working good 😢 it's means I should get better after one month it's very hard

  12. My family is the main reason of my depression, they don't even allow me to visit a therapist… and also there's no one that i can talk to because they don't allow me to go to school and find some friends… i think i just have to wait for a better day…:(

  13. Depression is a silent battle, but this channel's information is empowering. Planet Ayurveda's approach helped a friend cope positively. It's amazing how they uplift lives!

  14. Just found this, I have benn on effexor and symbalta for years, I’m getting off them now slowly and going back to Prozac …. My depression mainly due to 2 head trauma one when I was 6 years old and it was horrific one , the other one when I was 23 fell off my bike… I went through every medication known to man kind , I decided to go back to prozac by my self, I am 60 years old now and I feel I know about medication as much as any Dr can tell me …

  15. 🦋 I have suffered for many years and depression from not understanding how to get through the day. One thing I realized was that I had to understand why I felt this way. I took all sorts of supplements, vitamins and changed my diet a million times. After years of prayer I realized that I was depressed because I had a lot of trauma and my body had accumulated unresolved stress and heavy metals. I started detoxing and slowly working towards healing. there are a lot of things that can be done.

    1 Journaling: helps you reflect and understand that you need to forgive yourself and let go of the past. 2: Walking: Helps you relax your nervous system and get some fresh air and sunshine. 3 Supplements: I have found that vitamin D, magnesium and zinc really help a lot. I recommend cod liver oil every day. 4. Reading: it helped me understand my traumas thanks to the experiences of others. A read that changed my life is "Everything will be fine I promise" by Faouzi Zouhair. It's a beautiful read of thoughts and reflections that help heal. 5: Sauna for sweating. Sweating helps get rid of heavy metals. I recommend it together with binders such as zeolite or activated carbon. 6. Sleeping well is a key point to reset your body and feel good. 7. Move away from toxic people. 8. meditate or pray. 9. Have faith that everything will go well.

    Whoever is reading I wish you well and know that you are enough.🦋🦋

  16. Hi there, study, work, & pray.
    & will lead you to a good

    Ecclesiasticus 30(DRB)
    30:24. Have pity on thy own soul, pleasing God, and contain thyself: gather up thy heart in his holiness: and drive away sadness far from thee.

  17. Those who can't afford therapy can use YouTube for this purpose. There are many informative channels describing CBT. One is this one another one Julia kristina counseling.
    I hope it helps and whoever is reading this i know you can cope with it and remember this shall too pass 😊

  18. Dear Father God, The Most High, The Divine Power, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit. I come to you as a child of God. Father God, forgive us for our sins. Father God, I believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins. Deliver every troubled soul from their d e m o n s and all e v i l spirits inhabiting their souls. Dear Lord. Go Go Go Go Go in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. There is a battle happening in everyone’s mind right now Lord and I ask that you give everyone the strength to win this battle against the d e v I l s a t a n Dear Lord in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Father God, touch everyone’s mind brain and fill it with your Holy Spirit and heal everyone’s mind in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Heal everyone’s schzophrenia, too Dear Lord in the mighty name of Jesus. Father God, cover all of your children with the blood of Jesus Christ and heal all of your children on earth Dear Lord in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. you have no legal rights to Gods children s a t a n. you have no authority. I cancel all assignments, plans, attacks of the devil in the mighty name of Jesus. Father God, you’re an almighty God. You’re a powerful God. There isn’t anything you can’t do. You’ve performed miracles before so I know you can and will do it again. Father God, we live for you. We love you Father God. Father God I love you. It is done. I decree and declare this prayer a reality in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. Amen and amen.

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