Tough Talk – What Younger Mental Health Impairment Claimants Need to Know

No snow jobs here… listen at your own risk, but know that it is coming from a place of love…

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As always, all statements in this video and elsewhere online are general information only, do not constitute legal advice and do not create an attorney client privilege. To obtain legal advice, retain a lawyer. Visit us at

Stephanie Joy has been practicing Social Security Disability law EXCLUSIVELY, no legal dabble elsewhere, since 2005.

Social Security Disability, SSD, SSDI, Supplemental Security Income, SSI, Disabled, RFC, Residual Functional Capacity, DLI, Date Last Insured


  1. If your case is under review do they give any advance notice if they are going to cut you off or do they just suddenly stop giving you a check? I've been disabled since 2009 this is my first review it's been 9 months. I got all the paperwork then nothing so I called to ask if I'm still under review and I was interrogated and treated like a criminal for that simple question. She said it can take up to 3 years. For 3 years do I have to wonder if I'll will be able to pay rent next month or do they give a month or 2 grace period? This is so stressful not knowing and them treating me like I'm being sneaky for simply asking because I hadn't heard anything in 9 months is crazy to me. Thank you for all you do.

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