What to Do if Your Spouse Has Depression

Are you worried about your spouse’s mental health? Do you suspect that your husband or wife is depressed?

Dr. Benzio, board-certified psychiatrist, talks about what do to (and not do) if your spouse is battling depression.

Get your free series “Mental Health in Marriage,” featuring more videos from Dr. Benzio:

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How to Help When Your Spouse Is Depressed

When Your Spouse Is Depressed

Mental Health Resources

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  1. I've been struggling with depression since I was 17, I'm currently 35. I feel such a burden for my husband and my family. Many times I'd wonder if there's really such thing as depression or is only a fail in my character or something spiritual.

  2. This video is awesome. My wife went through this in extreme way. It is hard on the one going through this and the loved ones trying to help. May God bless you for this video. Doug Stoliker

  3. They should do sit-ups where the upper part of the abdomen is worked, with the legs raised and trying to touch the feet with the hands and its variants that work the upper part of the abdomen, they will see improvements quickly. That upper abdominal exercise will take away your depression and anxiety, it will also heal your mind…..

  4. What if your husband refuses to go to treatment or any sort of counseling? I have been trying for 30 plus years and he is a Mexican and sees this as a weakness.

  5. My spouse has severe anxiety and depression and I’m exhausted! He is on way to much medication and can’t function and is telling me he needs to be hospitalized but I can’t get any help! They are all full! He owns a business but wants to close it and I’m not sure what to do!!! His mother has severe mental health issues and so did her mom! I’m really at a loss! Does anyone in Illinois know of a great treatment center that may help him? He already did out patient program and it did not help at all! I’m at the end of my rope! 😢

  6. My wife is refusing anything that will help her; exercise, sunshine, healthy food (she’s eating all junk), and adamantly refuses therapy. She completely separated herself from our church family, won’t read the Word or pray, and today she told me she’s quitting her job and it’s not up for discussion. She’s been depressed for over a month and now I’m really worried it’s going to get a lot worse. What am I supposed to do?

  7. My son-in-law is leaving his wife because she has depression postpartum depression she never got help because he said she should be strong she shouldn't have to take medicine what kind of then he doesn't love his son his son was born premature and now hes autistic he got tested and now hes treating his son like he never was even here why

  8. My husband has been depressed an unemployed for a year now. He wont help with our son, he expects food cooked and served to him in the bedroom. Hes completely taken away our bedroom, its his, he even pees in a bottle. He doesn't get up, avoids medical appointments. Im ready to give up. I try and inspire, motivate, talk about spirituality. Hes just pathetic. And im his biggest enabler.

  9. Can someone acknowledge the hardship on the spouse? How it drains your will to do anything because no matter what you do you're still coming home to someone miserable. How defeating that feels and how you have to keep to yourself because saying how you're feeling just makes things worse and you're in the wrong for not having a bottomless gas tank.

  10. I know first hand that this is hard for the loved one. We are told to be supportive and caring but it is hard when we are being attacked (verbally) by the depressed person.

  11. Dealing with someone who has depression is VERY taxing. No matter what, you feel obligated and MUST cater to their feelings. Your feelings get put to the wayside. On top of that, you get accused of not caring. Please create a video on how to live with someone with depression.

  12. Seems like every clip on here is about the partner of someone struggling with depression and what to do? What about those with depression who’s partner shows little understanding or interest, why not discuss that scenario……What to do you when you do not receive the support you need and deserve?

  13. My husband shows very little enthusiasm sometimes and has openly admitted to struggling with anxiety and depression. He takes herbal supplements to counteract this. He and I have both struggled with depression. Its hard to be motivated to want to do things when our depressions constantly pull the other one down.

  14. What to do if the partner is facing a chronic depression all the time. It has been recurrent. He has been on anti-depressants for a long time but even a slightest change in dose, time or missing tablets has caused problems for her. It just looks perpetual, unstoppable depressing issue

  15. He should be able to talk with his but can't; he speaks to outside families and people. Don't want anybody to know he has issues. He tells everybody nothing wrong. This going on since 1993. Living with a person like this can be not suitable for the family. The military doesn't care about their veterans.

  16. I really liked this. This actually shifted me in an intangible way. It lit a cadle of compassion. Your energy had more impact than what you said.

  17. I'm afraid I've let this go on so long. He's told me to mind my owe business. Anything concerning his health is not on the table for discussion. Yesterday I confronted him with if he had showered. He didn't answer me and he's laying on my pillow. He hadn't showered in 3 months. So I sad please don't use my pillow because you stink. (Wrong chioce of words i know. ) It's been over 2 years that I've watched him consume coke zero in excess of at least 16 cans a day, no exercise, he's diabetic and just lays around all day long. Later on he came downstairs, i offered him dinner that i was making. He refused and said make it for yourself. I asked if he was upset. He replied with, No one talks to me like you did! As far as I'm concerned you don't exist to me! Don't talk to me anymore! I did tell him i was concerned for him and it's been hard to see him not taking care of himself. Anyway I'm stuck on what to do anymore. I've talked to his Dr's 2 years ago when he was in the hospital and let them know what he's doing and not doing. He takes his medications but had refused the help they offered for physical therapy.

  18. My girlfriend of one year is in a deep depression and is killing our relationship. I don’t know what to do to help her but I love her and this is getting to me. I can’t concentrate at work and everyday is difficult and exhausting

  19. I’m struggling with anxiety and depression for few years, but my husband still doesn’t understand it, still constantly criticize me for everything. I don’t know what to do.

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