Schizophrenia – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology

What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia describes a scattered or fragmented pattern of thinking. Schizophrenia’s actually a syndrome, meaning there’re all sorts of symptoms that might be associated with it and different patients might experience different symptoms, although the symptoms can be broadly categorized into three major areas: positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive symptoms. Find our full video library only on Osmosis:

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  1. Most of the people on my dads side have schizophrenia and my dad kept trying to get me checked cuz he thinks I have it and looking back on the things I used to do and the things I do to this day I’m starting to suspect the same

  2. It's definitely hard to have conversations with these people, I've had bad experiences of being beaten everyday because he heard voices and the delusions were brutal. His meds didn't even seem to be working. They will always think someone is after them and will never listen to you because they already made up their mind on everything.

  3. Thank you for telling us what causes schizophrenia and its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and pathology. if there is anyone who is having trouble with this syndrome, it would be better for them to have a little time to go out for a walk or have fun with other friends outdoors.

  4. I used to be a schizoeffective disorder guy(schizopherenic with a mood disorder) but what was going wrong in my life was i was a modern age feminine man, and when i got saved at 28 i started being masculine instead of feminine and that stopped it.

  5. What if are indeed real voices…given that nowadays are more communication lines than before and they are capturing that. Mmm?

  6. i’ve been suffering for a while now with mental health, i have no idea if this is anxiety or schizophrenia, i don’t know how to help myself get better, everyday i wish i was my old self, what do i do, is my anxiety just this bad and is making me think im schizophrenic, please help me

  7. I woke myself up from sleep and fully hallucinated a demon which morphed into a cat, then into a bunny rustling on a plastic bag on my floor, clear as day fully awake. Then it disappeared. It was as real as anything.

    I assume this was just caused by waking up/being tired but it showed me how terrible it must be for people with schizophrenia.

    That is the most insane thing that I’ve ever seen in my life and I am speechless. My heart goes out to the people suffering from schizophrenia❤

  8. I once had hallucinations when first taking new medication for adhd. That was already frighting to the point of remembering it even though I was like 8 back then. Can't imagine having those all the time. For anyone wondering my hallucinations were that 100's of people in white hazmatsuits running in to my house from the garden to kidnap me. Still I imagine this to be way less terrifying than actively being able to interact with someone that's not there in your own living room.

  9. 1:28 Does religion count?
    Somebody told me a joke once ‘Why when I speak to god I’m a sane religious person, but when god speaks to me I’m mentally ill?’ It’s good food for thought, though.

  10. A NEW medicine for treating schizophrenia—one that appears to help reduce both positive and negative symptoms of the illness—has passed a first hurdle in phase 3 clinical testing. Phase 3 is often pivotal in deciding whether a medicine is effective and safe enough to obtain FDA approval.  

    The medicine, xanomeline-trospium, is called KarXT by Karuna Therapeutics, the company that is developing it and which paid for the initial phase 3 trial. The drug has a novel mechanism of action that distinguishes it from all previously approved antipsychotic medicines.  

    In December 2023, the pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. entered into a deal valued at over $14 billion to purchase Boston-based Karuna. The announcement came just weeks after positive results of the first of two positive KarXT phase 3 trials were published in the journal Lancet. Senior author of the paper reporting the results was Steven M. Paul, M.D., a BBRF Scientific Council emeritus member who is currently Chief Scientific Officer and President of R&D at Karuna. One of the paper’s co-authors was 2007 BBRF Young Investigator Christoph U. Correll of Northwell/Zucker Hillside Hospital.

    252 patients with acute psychosis requiring hospitalization were enrolled in the randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Half received KarXT for 5 weeks and half received placebo. KarXT was observed to significantly reduce both “positive” and “negative” symptoms of schizophrenia compared with placebo. In addition to reductions in both kinds of symptoms, patients receiving the new medicine in most cases were able to tolerate it well, reporting only moderate side effects. Larger and longer phase 3 clinical trials are now underway.

    KarXT is the culmination of research begun decades ago to find a new way of treating symptoms of schizophrenia. Since the first antipsychotic medicine approved in the 1950s, every antipsychotic approved to date targets a cellular receptor for the neurotransmitter dopamine called the D2 receptor. Some “atypical” or second-generation antipsychotic medicines, including clozapine, also have important therapeutic effects related to their impact on receptors for serotonin. Both first- and second-generation antipsychotics are often very effective in reducing delusions and hallucinations that are the chief positive symptoms of the illness. But they have essentially no impact on negative symptoms such as blunted affect, anhedonia, lack of motivation and asociality, and no appreciable impact on cognitive symptoms that are also among the core symptoms of schizophrenia (reduced executive function, difficulty in sustaining attention, impaired long-term memory, among others).      

    An estimated 30%-40% of schizophrenia patients are resistant to the therapeutic benefits of current antipsychotic medicines; others derive only partial positive-symptom benefits. Short- and long-term side effects associated with approved antipsychotics are also an issue for many patients, and range from motor impacts, such as akathisia, Parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia, to cardiometabolic effects including weight gain, lipid and glucose abnormalities, hyperprolactinemia and sexual dysfunction, as well as somnolence and sedation.  

    The idea that led to KarXT began with the aim of developing a drug with a novel mechanism of action—one that would not block D2 dopamine receptors but rather would stimulate cellular receptors called the M1 and M4 muscarinic receptors. These receptors are part of the cholinergic (acetylcholine) neurotransmitter system. The theory was that agents targeting the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors might indirectly impact the balance in the brain between the dopamine and acetylcholine systems, including in the brain’s striatum, which in turn might help therapeutically address pathology that gives rise to psychosis.

    For many years, preliminary tests of medicines targeting the muscarinic M1 and M4 receptors suggested that they had excellent potential for reducing schizophrenia’s positive, psychosis-related symptoms. The problem has always been side effects: the early candidate drugs had significant side effects in the body’s gastrointestinal system, including nausea and vomiting. To potentially overcome this obstacle, developers of KarXT have tested the idea of combining a compound (xanomeline) that stimulates the M1 and M4 muscarinic receptors in the brain with a compound (trospium chloride) that blocks the M1 and M4 receptors in bodily tissue outside the brain, including the gastrointestinal tract. In phase 1 and 2 trials, KarXT appeared to demonstrate antipsychotic efficacy while reducing the frequency and severity of gastrointestinal side effects.

  11. Schizophrenia is not an illness, they are able to detect evil things that are going on around them without being present, this is where the psychic ability comes from.

  12. My grandson is 23…He has schizophrenia and has delusions, and all the rest that goes along with it. He is a triplet. His brother and sister are ok, but he was the smallest and had to stay in the hospital for additional 2 weeks. I feel he was born with it. He never could look anyone in the eyes and always kept his head down. He also cried a lot growing up. Had to call the police several times because he would run off. I love him so much, he is so kind and sweet when he takes his meds. He will have to live with his mom always. Such a sad situation, but I pray everyday for him and my daughter.

  13. If you are struggling with any kind of addiction, depression or other life problems – a Light is shining in the darkness for you. If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for no fault of His own, and that God raised Him back up from the dead three days later- and if you Trust that by doing so Jesus paid the penalty for all yours sins and mistakes – past, present and future – then you will go to Heaven when you die. The Holy Ghost will then come into your life and help you to live the way that brings life, peace and true happiness! This is the Good News of the Gospel!

  14. You have grave spiritual torment!

    Say (in loud voice): I accept Jesus as the only savior. I expel all demons from here and from my body in the name of Jesus.

    Throw away all images forever. God is invisible. Your life will change forever if you say this (in loud voice) every day. Search for an evangelical church. Can't sin or Devil returns.

  15. I can not even think clearly and doing anything , hearing noises as well as seeing imagines that wasn’t there all the time .my doctor said i was in psychosis for 6 months but now i think i’m schizophrenic .i just want to end it all but i love my family all i have is them ,they are the only thing holding me from killing myself 😢 everyday now feels like hell ,losing pressure in all activity , lay in bed 99% of the time and wishing my schizophrenia never been triggered or having a cure for this fking demon disorder

  16. I am from India. My symptoms are somewhat similar to schizophrenia. In schizophrenia, a person feels that someone is actually in front of him and he is talking to him, but I am talking to someone in my mind and I know that all this is happening in my mind only. Not only any person but the shapes of any object, place, house etc. keep coming to my mind all the time. This has been happening to me since childhood. As a result, I feel very scared of people, nervous and depressed. Can you tell which disease could this be?

  17. The fact that Medicare/MediCal can only bill for certain diagnoses CANNOT be ignored. Don't become your diagnosis. You ate NOT a SCHIZOPHRENIC. You are YOU. A person whom a doctor has recognized characteristics in line with a diagnosis.

  18. i have a schizophrenic elder sister. 4 years older than me. Didn't understand what was happening to her when i was young. Found her weird and abnormal until my early twenties. My parents were reluctant to tell me what was wrong with her other than 'she's sick'. Thanks to the advent of google, i googled what she was taking, 'clozapine'. I cried so badly. fast forward 10 years. I can't die before her. No one can take care of her. She is so precious to me.

  19. Question: is it schizophrenia if you dream/day dream, create scenarios, talk in your head so much … and that I cant tell which one happened and which one was imaginary? Edit: the overlap of reality and imagination causes me to be confused and lost when talking, working and recalling things

  20. for disorginized behavior could it be, making jokes that don't relate to what the person is talking about saying things that are complete opposite to what the conversation your having or someone says oh look there's a nice bird and you say "bu dum tss

  21. Unfortunately genetics and yes human intelligence-
    there are mistakes in evolution.

    I disagree it’s not genetics
    Genetics in evolution don’t change
    DNA does for a short time

    Free will is not real

  22. It happened to me when i was 18 now am 21 its been 3years and I've been dealing with schizophrenia ever since my dad died right in my presence.. it was like a shock.. i couldn't live with the fact that i saw him dying and i couldn't do anything. Just trying to heal from it

  23. I have the negative symptoms but not any other symptoms
    My alogia and avolition are getting worse
    I just don't want to talk or go out
    I can't talk or share my thoughts or feelings even with my parents or friends
    And can't respond properly
    When they tell me to talk I just can't think of anything my mind just goes blank
    I don't know what to do

  24. I’ve been dealing with the same delusion for 3 years now. That I was telepathically talking to my soulmate and he could look through my eyes and talk to me with our minds. I lost the opportunity to a good living space because of it. Now I’m trying to find my way. I just got the confidence to tell a therapist what I have been going through. There have been times I’ve been suicidal but now I hope to move forward. Of course there are days where I want to give up but hopefully I won’t.

  25. It's weird that most schizophrenic people are christians and muslims (especially christians). Maybe it is related to stress and fear and the high beliefs of supernatural. I'm not judging you religion,… but I kinda do though

  26. Good Evening,

    There is evidence that Schizophrenia is in fact a demyelination of neurotransmitters and there is more than enough evidence to support that genetic mutation is key to previous medical history as this neurodevelopmental disorder can skip generations for up to 8-10 generations previously so tracing genetics 🧬 previously can be hard as the dominant genetic DNA double stranded gene can often not become reactive until the new meiosis chromosome strand has paired up with a new genetic pair. This is a psychiatric health disorder and not a neurodevelopmental disorder by the way. Schizophrenia is a long term mental health disorder involving the breakdown between thought, emotion and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings and withdrawal from reality into fantasy and delusion.
    That is not a neurodevelopmental disorder that is a mental health disorder which is completely different.
    For what it’s worth.

    HSH NFSHR 2024 © ™️ ®- BSc With Commendation In Health Studies
    – LLB

  27. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and impaired functioning. It typically emerges in early adulthood and requires lifelong treatment , including medication and therapy, to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. 🧠

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