Artificial Intelligence Meets Mental Health Therapy | Andy Blackwell | TEDxNatick

Andy and his team are using AI in the delivery of mental health care for tens of thousands of patients with compelling results. He shares their approach as well as a vision for treating mental health conditions, which underpins his “Eight Billion Minds” program. Andy is Group Chief Science and Strategy Officer at IESO Digital Health in Cambridge, UK. His career has focused on developing innovative technologies that can improve the lives of those with mental health challenges. He trained in psychology and neuroscience at the University of St. Andrews and the University of Cambridge. Andy Blackwell is a scientist and healthcare technology entrepreneur who believes that data in our healthcare systems will fuel the discovery of a new generation of treatments and eradicate “trial and error” from medicine. This year he launched “8 Billion Minds”, a ground-breaking technology program using deep learning to decode and democratize the treatment of mental health conditions. Andy trained in cognitive neuroscience and psychology at the Univ. of St. Andrews and the Univ. of Cambridge. Through clinical research Andy has seen first-hand the often devastating impact that mental health conditions such as Depression and Anxiety Disorders have on patients and their families; this experience drives his determination to improve the quality of treatments available. Andy has worked extensively with neuroscience labs and major pharma, biotech and medical devices companies around the world and serves as Group Chief Science and Strategy Officer at Ieso Digital Health in Cambridge, UK. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


  1. This is amazingly interested in elucidates things I've been think about for a while. Places where I have an idea on the horizon this is a hose of compact ideas about those thoughts just raining down. thank you so much.

  2. Simply loved the idea of using AI in reaching out to so many people.
    Andy seems to have so much determination and conviction to help those in distress.

  3. Medication can cause depression, statins do that to me also blood pressure medication, statins effect is waking up in the morning my mind seems empty and I have no thoughts or plans for the day ahead.

  4. its not that therapy is not effective, its just that you need to wait too long to be able to get access to Psychotherapy. AI can also have the downside of putting too much emphasis on optimizing and get the most of it, thus being just another efficiency tool in our self optimizing society while missing the warm, empathic and humanistic aspects in therapy which are crucial. Chit chat for example can also be a tool to build a good client-therapist relationship or to get some information about the clients personality or his habits.

  5. Natik
    If your a doctor doesn't mean your followers are going to save the world, this is how a schizophrenic thinks being old school playing around with sound in their own mind.

  6. How much can AI “understand” about the content of a patient’s speech? In order to deliver on the promise of letting an AI-enabled program actually deliver care (last minute of the talk), it seems that the AI would have to pass the Turing test, at least in the context of the therapy session’s particular vocabulary. IOW, the patient would need to lose sight of the idea that she is talking to a computer because the computer’s responses were indistinguishable from a psychotherapist’s.

  7. I assume I have depression but I am not sad. Neither despaired.. Neither guilt all. But most of the time I am lazy.. procrastinating. Putting tasks for tomorrow..and have conflicts with everyone.. do I still consider that I am depressed?

  8. A new age Oracle long life to the Gods…

    A couple of points:
    if medicine is more tangible vs paychotherapy, why hasn't this been used yet?

    And… how core beliefs and schemata transculturaly will be approached… may need to run the language thing in sessions in all countries before is sold outside the uk and US? Idwas an concepts … are not all the same.
    Can then, ai use Clinical judgement?

  9. I suffered from autoimmune disease but I’m telling it does not compare to a mental disease. There is a difference when your going through pain in your body, but is another thing when your soul is in pain.

  10. A.i will sneak up on the vast majority of people… The Turing test was not a test for a machine intelligence to pass as a human it was a test for us to be able to distinguish wether we were talking to another human or not… We failed that a while back

  11. The future is "Therapeutic Factors", the modelling of therapists (NLP), clients (Focusing) & especially the concept of "Uncommon Therapeutic Factors" as well as the more popular "Common Factors Theory".

  12. I’m holding off on medications, as challenging as it has been, bc I’m confidant exponential advances in AI and other cutting-edge techs and disciplines will make these meds look like child’s play. And even perhaps quite negligent and harmful in ways we don’t fully understand yet. Far more effective approaches will likely be invented/developed with AI leading the way, and “managed” by experts. And the experts may not even be in what is currently known as pharmaceuticals, psychiatry, medicine. They may be spiritual/energetic experts, and/or experts in fields which don’t even exist yet. That is, if the world isn’t destroyed by current day human ignorance, arrogance, greed, etc. But I’m on the whole quite optimistic that mental, physical, spiritual advances will reshape the planet and beyond, as we and our creations inhabit other planets/bodies in the universe.
    These are exciting and anxiety-stirring times.
    We are truly at a previously inconceivable tipping point in human history – but also likely for this universe as a whole.
    Unless there are more advanced species in the universe.
    Which increasingly I doubt.

  13. how the psychotic patient can use such technology? digitalization of mental health care without human involve is not possible, some of the disorders can be treated online or by the AI, but not all of them, Psychosis, Bipolar disorders and so on ..

  14. Psychotherapy is Alchemy. When the A.I. is truly trained on human behavior and matches responses to therapy and internet content, you will need to dispose of mountains of text books that are based on the process of turning lead onto gold.

  15. This should be way further. Some misaligned interests or anti technology leaders might be in the way 🤔 or maybe people dont see the connection between economy and mental health care selfishly

    Watch the mouse video with low dopamine how they have no fun and drive to explore make friends eat and so on.

    Dont remember the video eldopa injected into mouse and they run around and are motivated again. (They even die next to food without dopamine of lack of food)

  16. I'm not sure if an overemphasis on data driven approaches is strictly advisable but, with refinement it is doubtless a meritorious agenda Plus … his use of newly invented digitally oriented psychotherapeutic memes was a delight in itself .. significantly lifted my mood :))

  17. You are completely missing the human connection, the risks of AI learning the intricacies of the human mind and weaknesses, not to mention the unemployment of current mental health providers. The reason there is not enough access is that insurance companies do not value mental health, because they are not the primary short term benefiters. The only way for a mental health therapist to compete economically with other science fields, is to either charge a lot of money out of pocket or burn themselves out seeing too many clients and doing lower quality work. Before you judge the quality of a session, there are layers and layers of things that impact that on any given day between two humans. Does the general public realize this is just one more layer of control from OMH and government to want to control and benefit from regulation with obviously convincing charts and a robot like dude from the UK? Therapists already get schooling, a degrees, experience, pass a licensing exam, and are required to get continuing education. This is not improvement, this is control. Yes, this will work great for trauma survivors. I would like to know the specific parameters of your demographic, their issues, and funding streams. I am highly skeptical on one hand, terrified by this on the other.

  18. "Care: Mental Health & Therapy" has had an incredibly positive impact on my life. This AI-powered app has been amazing in helping me deal with past traumas and track my mood. It offers constant support, which is a lifesaver during tough times. The scientific approach and personalized therapy sessions have significantly improved my well-being. I highly recommend this app to anyone in need of mental health support!

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