what it’s *ACTUALLY* like in the mental hospital (admission, daily life, differences)

*Check out my book on Amazon if you would like physical copies of lists and worksheets to help guide your mental health treatment journey (including a facility packing checklist, bullet journal templates, and helpful worksheets for psychiatric appointments): * https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S615QQB
Hi there and welcome! This is the first part of the original video I filmed where I talk about what it’s actually like in a psychiatric facility. In this video, I will be explaining the differences between psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric residential facilities, the admission process, 5150, and what a typical day looks like. I hope this video helps to explain what to expect if you do get admitted (or admit yourself) into one of these facilities.
Links to my stuff and resources below as always ❤.
Please Like, Subscribe, and Follow if you want to:

Business email: belladonnahighmore@gmail.com
Please Like, Subscribe, and Follow if you want to:
My Instagram(s): https://www.instagram.com/thecanabeerakingdom
My Twitter: @canabeerakingdom
My Website: https://cannabeerakingdom.com
NDPH Discord Server: https://discord.gg/rdP6ea8

-Mental Health Resources-
Reach Out, Get Help, Be Safe and know YOU AREN’T ALONE. If you (or anyone you know) are in a crisis, please do not hesitate to call the suicide prevention hotline
1-800-273-8255, Crisis Textline, Free 24/7 Support: Text 741741
Click this link https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ if you or anyone you know is experiencing a crisis. In addition to resources and information, you can chat with a mental health worker online 24/7. Don’t Hesitate.
Here’s a link to an international list of su_cide prevention lifelines http://ibpf.org/resource/list-international-suicide-hotlines
Eating Disorder Support:
Help to find free mental health services on Healthy Place- https://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/mental-illness-overview/free-mental-health-services-and-how-to-find-them
Here’s a link that can help you find a therapist if you’re in the USA- http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/finding-therapy
National S_xual A__ualt Helpline & Resources- https://www.rainn.org/
National Domestic Vio_ence Helpline & Resources- https://www.thehotline.org/


  1. So I have an extreme phobia of needles… Do they ever have to take your blood or give you any shots or anything in any of these places you mentioned?


  2. Im pretty sure im depressed and i want to tell my doctor but i feel like i need to tell my mum, i’m scared, i’m very suicidal and self harm a lot and have attempted multiple times but i’ve never been hospitalised, if i go to a doctor and tell them this would they send me to a physc ward, i’m not sure if it would help :/ i’m 15 btw

  3. Do you know how I can possibly have a talk with someone about putting myself to get help? I don’t trust myself with my own life anymore and neither parents believe or care for my mental health. I currently live with my father, I had to leave my mothers after a lot of trauma/abuse, mentally, emotionally and physically. It was so bad that I was skipping school weeks at a time and just kept wanting to constantly skip school again, and again and againnn (as well as after school programs I was supposed to be at to fix my grade from not doing work) but I kept hiding away from everyone in my room for days on end which I did for constant bullying, as well as my anxiety and depression being off the roof. I haven’t started school yet, which I should already be a little over a month in. And my dads talking about sending me back to start at my old school which I’m really afraid of doing. I want to tell my dad I need actually help before doing that cause I’m afraid of ruining my life more then I already have but I don’t know how to tell him because he doesn’t believe me. Yes he knows I have depression, he and my mother has it as well, but it’s like he doesn’t want to get me help and I don’t know what to do.

  4. Monotony is right. If I could use one word to describe the psych ward it's BORING especially if you are unlucky enough to be there on a weekend. I also struggle with not being able to have music. Nothing can change my mood like music, but you can't have electronics. What's your biggest struggle with the psych ward that isn't related to tour actual medical care. For example rules, what you do in down time, or food. Things like that.

  5. You are awesome! Thanks for sharing your experiences and shedding light on such important things (and for being fun and even hilarious while doing it, lol). You rock. 🙂

  6. Do they do phobia exposer therapy? A little 9 year old I know has been put in a mental hospital. Do little kids get the same things as older teens, etc do?

  7. I dont know what to do. Im desperate trying to find some help even if its being admitted to a mental hospital or just getting a therapist. Im getting extreme suicidal thoughts and SH thoughts and have came SO CLOSE to hurting myself on occasions but i havent yet. I've already attempted 1 time and it was whenever i was only 8 years old. Im extremely anxious and have extreme anxiety and paranoia. I just want some help. But i dont know how to ask..

  8. if you are transgender you will get a room by yourself. however if there is a trans person in there even on the high risk ward they will put you with them. i was low security risk but they moved me in with a high security risk trans woman

  9. This is all true. My brother took me by my request. I had a cousin who died and it was very hard because I told her that it was ok to die because she was in a coma and hooked up to all kinds of machines and I didn't want to see her like that because that was the way my grandmother was for the first twelve years or so of my life. And that was very hard for me to grasp.

  10. I feel like admitting myself to a psych ward. I struggle with self harm and suicidal urges. I feel like it could be beneficial to be away from the outside for some time and really get to think, y'know? I have nooooo idea how to talk to my family tho and how im supposed to admit myself.

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