1965. Effect of emotional deprivation and neglect on babies. Subtitled in English

See also: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents https://amzn.to/3jyHHAV #ad
The narration of this film references antiquated Freudian psychoanalytic theory, refrigerator mother theory and other anachronisms, and should be taken in a historical context.
Catalogue description: This film studies the effect of emotional deprivation on the sensory-motor behaviour of infants aged 7 to 18 months, some of which came from normal families, and others raised in institutional settings for social reasons. The simple experimental conditions remain the same. We present blocks to the child, and record the reaction to this object of stimulus.
If you would like to submit a translation you can do so here: https://amara.org/en/videos/y8aCJfBrAjJf/info/1965-effect-of-emotional-deprivation-and-neglect-on-babies-subtitled-in-english/


  1. "anorexic" is a medical term for a symptom, the loss of appetite and interest in food. It is not the same as "anorexia nervosa" which is a psychiatric disorder. In popular/lay use, people often say anorexia when what they are actually referring to is anorexia nervosa, which is where the apparent confusion comes from.

  2. That's because anxiety won't let you relax and play..

    I notice this with myself.. the more peaceful my life is.. the more rest I get

    Even as an adult I relate to this video.. emotionally neglected ppl prioritize emotional contact

  3. If you require a licence to drive a vehicle, you should require a license to reproduce, and not meeting the basic needs of a child should have your licence to reproduce revoked via medical intervention

  4. heartbreaking. i would have given love to all of these babies, play with them and give them time, attention & try to make them smile/happy.. they are looking and wanting for that but it never comes 😢😢😢💔

  5. Oof. Definitely not how autism develops. But very interesting (and sad) to see the difference in play interaction/interests with children who were nurtured differently. Many of whom don’t feel the security to be able to play freely without being conscious of others in the room, for the various reasons they may develop that awareness.

  6. I can't even watch this without tearing up. Kids are meant to be happy. Kids are meant to be cared for and loved. I can't. It's very depressing to even watch let alone imagine how many of them have experienced this. My heart goes out to all those kids🥹

  7. I think that the reason of calmness in infants may vary. Sometimes is neglect and other times is the complete opposite, the difference is one has signs of anxiety, meanwhile a good cared for kid is calm and quiet but not anxiuos, because all their necessities are covered. In my case, I was a really calm and quiet baby, but I wasn´t neglected at all. My mom, of course, is not perfect, she is humaan and was a mother at an early age with a bad partner, but as a caregiver she always knew what to do.
    So, for the people in the comments, no, I believe that not always a quiet child is a neglected one.

  8. Have to have qualifications to do most things in this world yet anyone can have a child, the most important thing anyone can do, and ensure the next generation of messed up people. Maternal neglect triggers behaviors of giving up because, in the wild, (in all species but especially mammals) maternal neglect of offspring is a death sentence. Just because humans became “civilized” doesn’t mean that biology changed. It didn’t. Humans are an absolute mess.

  9. May God help those who are not yet parents to realise, that it is a matter of life and death; the great task of parenting.

    I really hope the neglected kids in this clip do find healing, and are able to give there own kids what they never had.

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