1. This video makes me more depressed. As a sufferer of MDD for over 11 years..Sounds as if the saddest stuff is making us feel how we impact the world and are totally helpless and the need for others help us.(SAD) No wonder people seek help as I did for 2 years and I was looked away as I was some drug addict. Although Mental Health had no problem writing scripts of medications that kept me like a zombie while saying "Your getting Better" however.Yeah because i'm doped up with no emotions…that is NOT NORMAL. Finally after two years of no label, seeing different Dr every time I went, never developing a trust relationship, or they acted if they ready for coffee and showing no empathy at all! etc..Two years later I admitted myself into a Ten day in house treatment center, coming out on two medications diagnosed with PTSD, MDD and suicidal tendencies.its been 9 years now with Lexapro for my depression and Xanax for my panic, insomnia and anxiety symptoms (which lexapro helps with too along with seeing a light at the end of the tunnel).. I CAN MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE NOW. Why? Because I had a Dr that took his time to learn what was wrong with me on any/all levels, and was not worried about keeping me numbed down with meds that didn't work and had me thinking what would work, was addictive, or would make me feel worse. And the Dr is sitting there acting as if they know it all, because they DO NOT and sometimes, some one with a disorder can actually teach them something. Now I love talking to others with PTSD which is about to be changed in the new DSM-5 to PTSI. So my point here is, Drs need to stop judging, listen to their patients, try them on older drugs because these newer drugs have way more side effects, stop giving them antihistamines for anxiety, off the wall anti depressants that have barely been in human trials, and stop worrying the patient about the risk of addiction, when they can out weigh the risk and benefit for them selves. IT IS OUR BODIES, NOT THEIRS! and we should all have that attitude. Mine is a lot deeper because after two years of being slammed on pills every time I went, it all came to head and I was admitted to a hospital because of all and the wrong drugs that they were having me take, were making me worse. They would say "you have to keep taking them" Well i'm here, on two types of pills and never felt better in my life. At least I now know what is going on in my life. This one Dr was my god sent and I will always look at him for saving my life. If you see a Dr for a mental condition and are not seeing any improvement within three weeks, trust me you dodged a bullet!! Find another until you are being heard and feeling better. Wish you all the best sincerely.

  2. I still recall the time when I got myself out from depression many months ago thanks to this depression treatment method “fetching kafon press” (Google it). I was jobless on crutches in a foreign country residing in a shoebox with a busted heart. I feel a sense of relief today since I want to get much better and I`m shifting towards the correct direction..

  3. The book "30 Days to Reduce Depression" by Harper Daniels uses a mindfulness approach. Share it! It can really help someone. Mindfulness is like a personal trainer for the mind.

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