LIVE Ketamine Treatment Session | Depression

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Ever wondered what a ketamine treatment for depression is actually like? Experience what it’s like to do ketamine treatment for depression in this documentary featuring MedCircle host Kyle Kittleson and his producer Brigid McCuen.

Ketamine was approved by the FDA in the 1960s as a hospital anesthetic. It was then made popular as a street drug. Now this medication is gaining ground as a promising treatment for some cases of PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain, and major depression, which is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Ketamine for depression is the focus of this video, but ketamine can be used for a wider range of mental health problems.

Kyle and Brigid both completed a thorough mental health questionnaire and examination, and consulted with their personal psychiatrists, before their ketamine infusion treatment.

#MentalHealth #MedCircle #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #psychology #ketaminetherapy #depression #depressiontreatment


  1. They gave me ketamine as an anesthetic when i had a medical procedure. And when i was waking up i cried so much. Ive never cried like i did then. Literally. Like a baby. And i was a grown ssa man. Uncontrollably sobbing so loud. Ugh. I still dont know why

  2. Research shows that psilocybin mushrooms have promising results for mental health support, particularly in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD.

  3. I have a few questions- Do you remember the thoughts you were having during the treatment/therapy when it's over? Also, are people oriented with time, place and person during the therapy?

  4. I think many people who really want to stop that suffering they have could use these type of therapies as tools towards that desire.
    However, the ‘trip’ and maybe even slight reconfiguration in the brain that happens with ketamine is not a cure.
    If anything it helps to show that there is nothing to cure except what our ‘ego’(the part of us that constantly wants to hold on for the sake of whatever)keeps telling us on repeat is something that needs to be cured.
    That is the oneness often felt, the fact that we are all in this together feeling is something that ketamine at least helps a little bit to show us. But that is not forever, it’s very short acting drug and you can’t do it all the time as it impairs you. Just like he was saying in the video how he wanted it to keep going, it is possible just not in such a severe dissociative manner to keep your sense of connection. But I am very happy if it helps anyone in anyway, we all deserve to feel happy and reclaim the tools within us that we lost somewhere along the way whether it be from occurrences in life or self mental flagellation. I hope the medical community starts to reorganize itself in a way that looking for problems is different than looking towards a perception that patients have an innate self ability to heal and want to heal, but also life isn’t perfect or it is. Sorry this got too windy, just glad there’s more research happening ❤

  5. F**ck that I got ketamine when I broke my ankle severally . I swear I knew I died but was still aware and was stuck somewhere where nothing made sense. I came back and told my husband please watch me! Just in case I leave again. I would never take that shit again!

  6. I would use Ketamin in a clincal environment like you did. I would never get it off the black market and use it. I'm too scared of impurities like fentanyl and overdosing

  7. Can someone who has done ketamine infusions please respond to this? I have been dealing with severe anxiety for several years, now coupled with depression and an overall lack of joy for life. I strongly believe that ketamine and/or other plant medicines can help me. The only problem is, I am terrified of the experience, going into an altered state, and potentially having a traumatic experience. I would appreciate any insights that may help me get over this fear so that I can finally do it. Thanks in advance.

  8. As well as this and other drugs like it work, the biggest problem is that after the drug has left your system you begin to miss that feeling and if you are the type of person who has trouble with self control you could become start to seek the drug out more and more and begin to abuse it.
    I understand it well as an addict (not K) that's been clean for 17 years.

  9. This is not a functioning treatment.
    One cannot dissociate and be a working person or parent. Also, if one is taking an SSRI, giving them Zofran is quite dangerous.

  10. I've had multiple surgeries in the past few years. During surgery, they give you MASSIVE amounts of K compared to the spray or infusion treatments. But I don't want up from surgery and notice improved mood, etc. So that made me doubt the effectiveness of this therapy.

  11. I just signed up for a clinical trial for Ketamine therapy because I’ve tried so many natural methods (talk therapy, acupuncture, omega 3) and at least 5+ antidepressants and nothing has helped me. Thank you for sharing your experience I hope this treatment will help me with my severe treatment resistant depression

  12. I had ketamine infusion during a knee replacement surgery. I felt happy and no pain due to this medication. It was in a lockbox and highly monitored likely because it’s an expensive and powerful medication . It had lasting results even though it was for that surgery it kept my mood up for months

  13. I just came home from hospital, where they did a ketimine surgery on me. With my meditation skills and energy healing experience, the ketimine journey I had on Monday was the most amazing experience I've ever had.

  14. We are overly focused on the differences that separate us. Money, Education, Outcomes etc.
    But far more important is that which binds us.
    On the greater scale, the timeless one. We all exist on this plane of existence. We are all connected. We all live and die and are recycled back into the universe.

    I haven't done ketamine, but this is what I got from this. The default mode network ceases and the idea of self yields to the greater reality of the universe

  15. i’m 18 and i’ve been struggling with mental health basically my whole life. i had my first thoughts of svicide at the age of 11.
    i was institutionalized in an abusive mental hospital (i believe they’re currently getting investigated due to mistreatment, unqualified staff, unclean environment, and more) when i was in my sophomore year of high school, which set me behind academically. this only added more stress and i almost dropped out (thank god i didn’t i made it thru high school, i even graduated early)
    i got cptsd during a situation in my early preteen years that i still get nightmares about.
    my dad offed himself when i was 6 years old. it’s been rough being an only child with a single mother. right after the mental hospital i had to be the main income for us two.. bills, car payments, and everything in between AND care for my mother at the same time while she was sick with covid with a torn acl.
    during childhood i had selective mutism with autistic tendencies. that manifested until i was 12. it wasn’t easy.
    my whole 18 years haven’t been easy. i can’t remember what it feels like to feel “NORMAL.” i don’t think i’ve had Genuine happiness since early early childhood.
    i met with a psychiatrist yesterday whom i was referred to. i’m scheduled to get my first ketamine treatment at the end of next week.
    i’m so close to offing myself it takes a lot of willpower to just keep living one day at a time. i’m so grateful i was approved for this. i feel like ive gotten a second chance. i’m nervous at the same time because i don’t know what it feels like to be happy and content with myself and life. i’ve forgotten that feeling. it scares me what it will feel like and how it might help me become a whole different person.. a happy and better version of me. but like he mentioned in this video, nervousness and excitement are close to the same thing.
    i’m just ready to feel this weight off my shoulders.
    thanks to these video creators for showing the process and the feelings you’ve had before, during, and after the first treatment. trying to get a better understanding of it all. this helps and eases my anxiety about my treatment. thank you!

  16. Kind of scary that he said he wanted to feel that way again/ stay in it. Wish they addressed the risk of addiction for people that take the therapy.

  17. I was supposed to do several infusions. My first went ok, but on my second I had a massive panic attack. I felt like I was dying and it freaked me the fuck out. I never finished the rest of the sessions.

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