3 Biblical Prescriptions for Improving Mental Health

Ready to improve your mental health with just 3 simple Biblical Prescriptions? In this video, Dr. Marcum shares his top three Biblical Prescriptions that can lift you out of anxiety, depression, and emptiness… and fill you with passion for living. Christ designed us to live a life full of joy, and in the Bible we find the instructions for how to live a life in harmony with God’s design. There’s a lot of options for therapy out there, but why not start with this!

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Books By Dr. James L. Marcum(founder of Biblical Prescriptions for Life)
The Ultimate Prescription: What the Medical Profession Isn’t Telling You
Medicines That Kill: The Truth about the Hidden Epidemic
Biblical Prescriptions for Life: Discovering the Ultimate Physician’s secret to Health and Healing



  1. Beauty of nature : Laws of nature – animals eating live animals to survive causing a tortuous death, every living thing struggling to survive fighting for resources with moments of satisfaction and joy.

  2. Im trying to overcome my severe depression. I know God can give me the strength. Please pray for me it would mean soo much. God bless all who see this 🙏🙏

  3. Hi – please pray for me. I am a single 52 year old woman who suffer from loneliness, depression and anxiety. I have family and friends but lately I feel so alone. I have a job that I feel is overwhelming that I get palpitations at work. My siblings are being supportive but sometimes they make me feel more lonely when they share what they're up to with their own families. I try and fight to get out of this hole I'm in but then i go back in. Please help me and pray for me. I know God will always be there for me and I pray to Him for strength and to the Holy spirit to enlighten my mind but I'm having a hard time feeling better. Ive been in this situation before a few time and was able to get well without meds. Is it maybe because I'm older that it's a challenge to feel better? I don't wanna take meds. The other day I had a meltdown and asked for a simple hug from my aunt. It felt good when she gave me that. My mind is overpowering me with negative thoughts. Please help me and pray for me. ❤

  4. When U get cyberbullying, or bullying in general, there s nothing about you being mental , is about the bully, don't always come to bully who is actually in hurt by saying they are mental

  5. For 3 decades I suffered from anxiety and depression , became born again in 1995 ,unfortunately let myself be carried away by different kinds of teachings and lies like you can lose your salvation, recently Jesus set me free from the simplicity of Believing Jesus Christ alone for salvation, not by works, obviously good works follow believing. Thanks be to God for Jesus and the cross.

  6. In 2020, I turned off my tv 📺, got off of facebook, went on the keto diet & started studying the Bible like never before. My anxiety went away, I slept peacefully all night long, and lost 40 pounds.
    My favorite mental health verse is Philippians 4:8 ❤

  7. Thank you Dr. You were such a blessing over Covid. Your honest, kind prescriptive approach was and is such a blessing. Even today, 3 years later, this advice is timeless. Thank you.

  8. How wonderful!
    The thoughts in your head, come from the inventor of lies. Darkness.
    Speaking the word of life light sends them packing.
    Jesus christ.
    Only two words i need.

  9. I need prayer also 🙏
    Thank you so much ❤
    I just get very overwhelmed easily.
    I’m 65 years old and Jesus has pulled me through more than anybody could imagine. I would not be here if it wasn’t for him so I know that he’ll continue to help me. I just hate feeling tired all the time.

  10. Thank you so much for making this video and making this channel! I have just come across you, so unwell. Thank you for following God and making this, I appreciate you!

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