Can mental illnesses be cured, or only treated? #shorts

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  1. That's not true if you watch Dr Joe dispenza's videos and look at the testimonials there are so many people who have been cured of mental and physical disorders. I've even had physical problems that went away from following his techniques.

  2. (FACTS OVA FEELINGS). If Peephole Wud Understand Watt Society Drs.r Calling Mental Illness is Really Just Adaptive Strategies for Mitigating UnSafely it Wud Completely Change the Approach Wee Take With Mental Illness

  3. Mental disorders eh?…. its called life. …. pfft. When i hear docs say mental disorders… all i think about is how quick they are to prescribe them pills and get their cut from big pharma. This world and all its poison, greed and corruption is sickening.

  4. If this is your job I'm sure people call you crazy and schizophrenia I meant a doctor that was a psychologist and work inside a mental institution that doctor had the same problems in later on she became

  5. You have mental illnesses missed because it's written all over your face and you did not become that doctor for no reason you've been through craziness sickness yourself so you can't say those things about nobody else you be the main people who got the problems you just don't take medication that's all and you have not sought a doctor for it but you became

  6. Because that's who people label us schizophrenia crazy and mental illnesses and sick and psychotic I'm just telling you the truth everybody got them problems even the ones who's not taking medication have those problems

  7. Mentions high blood pressure, a curable disease, and that "you're still at risk."

    Everyone is at risk for high blood pressure, depression, schizophrenia, etc. That doesn't means it can not be cured.

  8. The issue is that with something like an eating disorder, part of of is genetic. Some of it is unfortunately the way you were born. But that doesn’t mean it has to define you, nor does it mean there’s no hope for getting better.

  9. I have autism, and im so happy that you said that. Now whenever someone says some stupid shit like
    "Oh MaYbE iF yOu WeReNt TrAnS iT wOuLd Go AwAy" I can just show them this video.

  10. In our society mental illness indeed can not be healed. The reason to this is that the society itself is ill, and at the deep level everyone in it is ill.
    But the problem is actually larger than this: no human issue can be truly genuinely addressed in our world, only mitigated or managed.

  11. lol this lady doesn’t want no cure because it would put her ass out of business god bless the mental ill and you can push through 💪🏽

  12. (FACTS OVA FEELINGS). In psychology twodey a mental illness is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms but if eu look deep into those symptoms they r really just indications of unsafety and adaptive strategies that a person is using in order to try to self-preserve wen faced with that unsafety

  13. A better question is why can't a mental or physical illness be cured? Blankly saying that they can't hinders us as a species. So what you should say is first… These are the known barriers to curing mental health… And then somebody will eventually either find a niche case loophole or later on develop a new method/tech that aleviates those barriers.

    For instance, himans cannot grow back limbs because we lack the genes to produce key materials to facilitate limb regrowth unlike some lizards.

    While to say that no human has ever regrown a severed limb is still true to my knowledge, it bears to reason that it will successfully be done at some point.

    Already limb grafts are available in certain cases for amputees. Which is a true cure for limb loss. All that we need is expansion of this tech.

    Hell, not long ago, an entire human eye was transplanted, a feat requireing over 300 medical professionals to figure out and get right.

    Now the brain does heal…ie create new tissues and format or renew old ones. Considering there are drugs on trial to regrow teeth, I'd say a targeted approach to repair the body would work at some point… And since these processes already exist, in certain cases, can happen.

    A lot of people experience depression once in their lifetime… Most in a healthy and proper invronment actually get better. Only in our disfunctional modern world do we see such epidemic levels of depression.

    So no… This mindset is toxic… As is pathological positivity. "You will get better" isn't right either.

    What os right is actually looking at the cause of the problems and fixing them, social, environmental, and genetic. Which this mindset holds us as trapped from doing as chistianity held is from understanding the earth revolved around the sun. This isn't sience then…

    I've seen it many times before. It has a name.


    Science is complicated, looks for the why, learns the rules, and masters them well enough to differentiate what is possible from what currently isn't well. This short doesn't and boiling this answer down to a short is disrespectful for those holding out for a real solution. Those who have symptoms so bad that they can't tolerate them. Those who can'tanage them under your methods. Those who need a reason to live most and have the very least.

    So I would recommend you to what any lawyer, masters of language that they come to be, would say. "It depends"

    And answer that while a nonanswer, denotes the true complexity of a compicated problem.

    It gives those of us more hope, and lets those seeking feel more open to finding. As yes, should we not wipe ourselves out in the meantime, a day will come when we know just how to cure these ailments. To behonest, for dome of the simplest mental health issues and those which we get proper help for early and promptly, we already can atleast situationslly cure.

  14. It all depends on the trama . Like horrible childhood or war. You might mask it and talk about it and get tons of help and you can be very productive person . It will rear its ugly head . My wife had a horrible child hood and sometimes her body language and her mood can be off and she might bring it up a little bit . The husbands and Wife’s notices it . The person that has the mental problem might not even know they are doing it. They might say iim fine but they are off a little . I see my wife go through this a lot. Especially if it’s in the family. I haven’t seen any of the family members cured along with my wife they have jobs things like that but every now and then I question like you’re still off a little bit I said I’m not perfect but you can tell there’s some issues or they’ll even bring it up.

  15. They don’t want you to heal. If you heal, you’re not a customer to their multi billion dollar business anymore. They’ll give you meds so you can rely on them your whole life, instead of having hope you can get over it, which is 100% possible.

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