Minor Depression versus Major Depression – How To Tell The Difference

Do you know the difference between minor depression and major depression?

In this video, I talk about the key differences between these two types of depression and offer tips on how to get help if you think you might be suffering from major depression.

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Want to know more about mental health and self-improvement? On this channel I discuss topics such as bipolar disorder, major depression, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), relationships and personal development/self-improvement. I upload weekly. If you don’t want to miss a video, click here to subscribe. https://goo.gl/DFfT33

Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.


  1. Total thumbs up for the wet stain on the collar of the tshirt 😀 YOU GO GIRL! KEEP IT SUPER REAL! I love your channel everyday more! EYEOPENING. In facts, I'm totally gonna buy your books

  2. I’ve been in this dysthymic state for the past two decades. It’s awful. I can’t do anything to shift it. I do ALL of the things I’m supposed to do and nothing changes it for long. I’ve had 10 years of therapy too and used psychedelics and ketamine as a treatment. Ketamine was the only thing that worked but it’s too expensive to continue. I would be okay with not waking up tomorrow.

  3. I want to clear up everything with all my damn rotten relatives I never had damn f**** depression in the first f**** place I mistake damn burnout for for depression because I have never had depression in my life I have this thing where I'm you know I come in past and I can fill other people's things so it's always I have to ask myself is this me that I feel this or is this somebody else that I feel it's pretty crappy when you feel everybody else's not that it's not nice or anything but it's horrible when you have to feel everybody else's stuff and you can't feel you don't even know what you're feeling you don't know if it's your feeling or somebody else's feelingsand another thing is that it really makes doesn't make any sense that how people complain about depression when they're the ones who caused their own damn depression if they would do the right things we're not here to do the wrong things if they would do the right things on this Earth and do the be a decent person they won't have the the problems they have they won't have that damn depression and I think they come to therapists to think that it's that they have a quick fix of you know take these stupid antidepressants and it'll make that damn depression go away no it doesn't make it go away you know how it makes it go and clean up all the messages and the ones that the right things for them do what's right and see how much feel and how good you feel cuz I know this to be true I don't understand why people waste their like my grandmother who abused the hell out of me and she constantly made everybody you know go through you know a lot of crap in her not depression it's you know not happy I'm happy home because of her crap if she would have been started being a decent thing doing things decent being a decent person is deadI said she wanted to keep on the the meanness and the rottenness and keep it all alive when it's ridiculous nobody benefit from her being a horrible person I sure as hell didn't benefit from her being an abusive rotten person and you know people should have let not let her get away with the s*** that she got away with so if anybody's bitching about damn depression here's how you can fix it all and make it go all the way like like like like like water that washes away here's how you do it you go to those people that you've done wrong and do them right you know be a decent person and change your little f**** attitude but I'm here to tell you I never had goddamn depression so you can let that damn b***** go I never had depression I never had temper tantrums in my life I don't do things for attention to I was never going to get anything in a freaking b*** ass narcissistic mother's house which she was a nightmare she's a horrible mean mother and the things that she did was unbelievable how disgusting she is

  4. Very informative and well presented. I appreciate that she made sure to talk about natural/safe ways to relieve depression. Medications come with side-effects, and have their own risks of causing dependence and withdrawal which can be severe

  5. Hey, i'm suffering from major depressivs disorder with cluster B personality traits i suffered from last 2 year please i wants that you guys pray for me

  6. Life saving work you’re doing. I’ve been waiting for an available therapist for YEARS to no avail. Thank you for providing such an important service for those without the financial resources to help themselves ❤️

  7. I've heard it said that for a person to have depression, it lasts for at least two weeks. Now, for someone who has this for decades and is still on medication, but they are still not quite right in themselves, still have loss of interests in life. It's never really goes away, I have only been told that I have depression and nothing else. It's such a debilitating condition that i can't ever seem to be able to get rid of it.

  8. I’ve had all 10 letters of major depression for 4 straight years without it leaving at all during the time. Antidepressant prescription was right on and has helped me immensely. My diet during that time was excellent.

  9. Went to sleep at 12am, woke up at 11am, barely drank a bit of water, stared at screen and went back to sleep, woke up at 5pm managed to stay awake in the interview, thanks god my flatmate asked me to go out to eat, came back stared at wall and screen and back to sleep again at 11pm. And I do y wanna wake up

  10. I think there's a major 11th thing missing, and that is, feeling disconnected from society like you're not even part of the human race, and you're like a god-like-being gatecrashing planet earth, above everyone else seeing nothing but pointlessness to everything. The worst thing being you dont know how long you're gonna feel like this for! but of course, you always do snap out of it eventually.

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