1. تيبباخاث٠مصخحن٠٢ن٨٣٠ه٣٩٩همثنيايينباميعببللللبانبنغبهنبعبهعبننييؤاليؤابزنيززرننبانبانبتبنبت

  2. I'm Sandhiya Priyadarshini D doing a Ph.D. in Psychology at VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. I am willing to use your "Emotional Well-being & Mental Health Story" video for my training program. I am glad to show this video to children in Vellore, Tamil Nadu. Those children will gain insight from this video. I am requesting you give me permission to use this video for my study purpose. I'm waiting for your favorable response sir.

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