We see you. A campaign for mental health care

Mental well-being has become one of the most pervasive health challenges our communities face. Those who are struggling with mild or moderate symptoms need more, safe options for early intervention.

The time to restore the health of our mental health care system is now. Immediate funding is needed to provide relief to existing mental health programs critically stressed under the weight of the increased demand.

But it’s not enough. It’s time to re-imagine the system of mental health care in our community. We need your help to build a system of mental health care that is sustainable, inclusive, and accessible to all.

Please give: https://bit.ly/36WD4Oa


  1. I feel like I relate to this so much. It's like you have good school friends but you don't trust them enough or not close enough to tell them how you're feeling because you're afraid they will see you as someone else and not the person you always act like.

    Theres also a lot of other factors but when i write there's a lot of stuff on my mind racing at once so ill just leave it here for now and touch ip on it later.

  2. I like idea of friendship, fantazy of caring for other people but i cant do it in real life…i dont know where and how to start fixing it and even if i did know it i dont think its worth the effort…its just too late to start now

  3. The truth is that if you talk about your problems with others, after a while struggling most of the people you know start to fade away.
    Everyone appreciates you if you have fight depression and won, but not when you're still fighting, and, in that particular moment, losing.
    Stay strong and never give up.

  4. i always tell myself to stay strong and try hard to be happy but lots of times that doesn’t work. that’s when i really need to talk to someone who will listen. i want them to want to listen and try to undestand. i’m here because i have no one else!

  5. i get so depressed when i see young ones suffer in any way! i wish i could hold you and tell you that someone cares about them and tell them that it will be alright, just as i feel about you! life can be so hard and too short. i hope you have some relief soon. hugs

  6. i have just about enough from my daughter! she caiied me up and started giving me advice on how to get better, told me i wasn’t sick,when i had a really bad headache, and sinus infection ! she told me i should get out and do something! i’m still not all better the headache is still with me everymdayAnd i’m so worn down. i can hardly keep my balance and it’s really hard to stan up or walk. i’m ntied of having to deal with this. on top of this, i just got over a manic episode, i couldn’t sleep for5 whole days i got to where i was shaking all over, could not walk, couldn’t walk, think clear,couldn’t do a thing. my numbers got very high i’m diabetic. nothing i tried helped because i was so so sick i don’t ever want to experience ttht again it was like a nightmare. glad at least the infection was cured, i couldn’t focus to take my meds on time or any thing else.


  7. Niech każdy z nas…obejrzy się za siebie,z uwagą…i bez uprzedzen i zastanowi się nad innymi…
    Zobaczycie, że ludzie są zdołowani, walka o pracę,wieczne rachunki, obowiązki w domu,w pracy…Media też nie pomagają, włączysz tv a tu ktoś kogoś porwał,tu pożar,tu ta dziwna wojna na uk…A my zwykli ludzie to przeżywamy,pomagamy,a nasz rząd bardziej wspiera uchodźców, niż naszych obywateli, którzy niejednokrotnie żyją w nędzy.
    Tyle w temacie.

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