Building Your Mental Health Team: A Treatment-Team Approach to Mental Illness

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Your mental health team is essential for your success in beating depression and anxiety. And while most people don’t have the opportunity to go to residential treatment if they need it, there is one thing that I’ve taken from my experience there that helps me be a better therapist now than I was before. And that’s taking a team approach to treatment.
In this video, I’m going to talk about how you can create an environment where healing is possible so that you can increase your chances of beating your mental illness.

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Images from (premium license), Pixabay, or Wikimedia commons

Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC, and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.

About Me:
I’m Emma McAdam. I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and I have worked in various settings of change and growth since 2004. My experience includes juvenile corrections, adventure therapy programs, wilderness therapy programs, an eating disorder treatment center, a residential treatment center, and I currently work in an outpatient therapy clinic.

In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life’s direction.
And deeper than all of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ orients my personal worldview and sense of security, peace, hope, and love

If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services.
Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
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Images from (premium license), Pixabay, or Wikimedia commons


  1. I'm really struggling lately I've tried to receive help but nobody is listening I have BPD and suicidal thoughts its so scary I don't want to be like this I want a life back n be happy!

  2. Hi Emma – If you’ve not already done a video in this topic then it may be helpful to many. The topic is ‘Stress from COVID Safety Precautions. ‘ To clarify, within the same house hold there can be widely different opinions on what is and isn’t necessary to be safe. .
    One person may be stressed, thinking other family members aren’t being safe enough.
    Others in the same house hold may be greatly annoyed by what they feel is over board paranoia.
    I suspect this is a very common family stressor. 🙏 Can you help ?

  3. Might have mentioned this before but… it would be super cool if you’d do a podcast-video with Kati Moroton, she’s a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and just like you, – she’s really great at her job and she has an awesome personality.
    – I enjoy watching both hers and your videos, they’re really helpful. 🤓 Anyways, I think that would be so interesting! Keep up the wonderful work you do! 🌻🌻🌻🌻

  4. Thank you as always for your videos and I love seeing outdoor greenery especially since I'm already covered in snow. I encourage you to make raspberry leaf tea if you haven't already. You have beautiful plants.

  5. I deeply appreciate that you have made your wisdom available to us here. It's practical, nurturing, authentic, and clear. Hello and big love to all who are paying attention to these issues because of their own challenges. Mental pain can be so debilitating and sometimes just sitting with the discomfort and feeling it for a moment is a release and step forward. We can do this because there are talented skilled folks like you, Emma McAdam willing to share so generously. Thank you, All.

  6. I’ve been taking small bits and pieces from both you and Dennis Simsek. I wanted your take on neuroplasticity and relapse. Anxiousness is part of life, but debilitating anxiety can be fixed, why do we then unfix the issue? @therapyinanutshell

  7. Hello Emma! This is the second video I watched of yours since I subscribed a few minutes ago. I must say your videos I have found very calming to watch and the information is very informative for my MDD. Building my support system was very hard for me, other than my husband, which he is very supportive. Building a support system other than him was difficult because I would shutdown from everyone and not want to talk about what I am going through, or sometimes I would simply think it wouldn't work. I took your advice on reaching out to my college to see what services are provided for students with Mental Health. Thank you and I am very pleased I have found your channel.

  8. I feel like I cant breathe even though my lungs are medically fine, I take Valium to help with the anxiety but that doesnt seem to really help, im on my wits ends catastrophizing every 10 mins and its really killing me. I need help and im wondering if anyone has had the same issue and might have any tips

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  10. Hi. I loved this. I've been trying to find for a YouTube vid similar to yours that really breaks down everything in this video! 🥼 👍Your lesson for sure is similar to the videos of this informative med student Doctor Ethan! Doctor's tips are knowledgable and I learned a lot for my midterms. He is a informative health enthusiast.

    You should watch his YT out and give the med student a subscribe! ➡️ #DoctorEthanScience

  11. Hello. This was actually insightful! I have been trying to research for video like yours that explains everything in this vid! 👌Your tip reminds me of the videos of Dr. Ethan. Dr Ethan's tips are totally knowledgable and he helped me on my practice. He is an educational medical student in Europe and he talks about wellness!

    Go see his page out and give the Dr a subscribe! ➡️ #DrEthanEducational

  12. Hi, I am new here, I just watched your other video. I was hoping that the advertisement comes first if ut says "includes paid promotion" because after reading it, I was wary/vigilant/unreceptive to the succeeding message because I worry that is part of the advertisement.

  13. Just the placement of you being in a garden and around the life of the plants is a major therapy because the plantlife gives off healing energy. Like i believe that the entire mental health system should include like a biosphere type place.
    Thankyou for working towards helping people and empowering people. We have a grand misconception that these mental health labels stick and that these people are broken forever and that is not true! Balancing the energy and having a whole n wellness approach and also even telling them that they can are powerful healers themselves and are basically in training to be therapists themselves.
    There is a chemical and biological and bacterial aspect too. Like our vibration affects our reality well being. I just wanted to give much praise to you for working in this field and i wish that i could somehow help n contribute. I have had to experience some very tough things and had to go on a healing journey myself. Ive learned alot and am still learning. I just want to commend you n Blessings to you sweetheart!!!

  14. As i asked the Psychiatrist for blood test for nutrition values, blood group for food allergy indications and interest, , she rejected it as being nonsense, and insulting to her, and irrelevant! I asked how much she knows about nutritional influence on (mental) health, she said she was a Dr, and that it was irrelevant,- despite it being known that Schz is also a metabolic condition. As I said he is sick , it was irrelevant. Suddenly it was stated that he does have too high Liver value! The reason they have given no support for 35 years was said to be that I had a different outlook than they! And they insinuated that I wanted him to be without meds despite getting psychotic then, without any grounds and not knowing me at all. I got no real answers , above all were they cold and rejecting despite me being a loyal, hard-working, deeply suffering relative since 35 years., severely ill myself without having got help either.
    Wow, does all the integrative care exist at yours? Not here, they didn't want co-work w other carers.They Dr + nurse were so hard and hostíle that i fell all weakened and depressed, which I efforted to pull myself together from. How shall I have the energy to seek some Dr for him, having sought treatment myself f 40 years, having had my life stolen? And working for the sick one f free, without having an income? I asked for some money benefits for him, but they aid no, except us seeking 1-time small sums. We are too sick to do that.esp with that cold lack of care. I felt suicidal afterwards, hopeless, and that we will both die in this horrible , evil world. HAd been up all night studying psychiatry trying to prepare for the meeting for him. But without sleep, I was too tense and anxious anyway. I so need help and advice. And he was detached and disinterested in me and my help that day, which didn't feel any better. I can't prove my worth and skill when being disbelieved,. I lost my temper , got very provoked and desperate at their mobbing and threatened for his sake that he has such uncaring, irresponsible carers who don't have his interest in mind.,And disrupting me instead of co-working, for his sake, it being known that Schz and every condition gets better results by calm, clear, simple, good-humoured interaction. What can I do, wonderful woman? I need someone like you, but here there is none.Or too hard to find and fight for.,,

  15. I have a question, if I have childhood PTSD and seem to attract friendships who are probably not good for me. Friends that have issues or that are drama. Maybe subconsciously it’s because I feel like we understand each other or something. Please give me advice on what I should look for when making friends. I think my red flag meter is off a bit.😬

  16. But isn't it bad to focus so much on the illness and talk about that, so it determines the whole life?
    I have depression for some years, I can't always talk with friends about that and border all.

  17. this video pertains to 2021 social security disability. (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG) I compiled the rules and regulations as of 2021. I have bipolar disorder and I have plans to get back into the work force:

    What do you need to KNOW about WORK and Social Security Disability Insurance

    There are many trials and tribulations when it comes to a mental illness and getting back into the workforce. Here are somethings you should know about getting back into work.

    Federal: Social Security Disability Insurance regarding Work


    + Covers 80% percent of cost

    Trial Work Period: $940.00 (2021)

    + 9 nonconsecutive TWP

    + Reset after 5 years

    + May earn under $940 plus SSDI amount

    Extended Period Of Eligibility: $1310.00 (2021)

    + 36 consecutive months

    + May earn up to 1310.00 and still get paid SSDI.

    + IMPORTANT NOTE: I say Extended Period of Medical Disability but it is suppose to be Extended Period of Eligibility!



    + Covers 20% of costs

    + Refers to Minnesota Only (Must research your state regulations)

    + Spenddown information:

    People in household:

    1 $1,414 / $16,970 $2,924 / $35,090 does not apply

    2 $1,910 / $22,929 $3,950 / $47,410 $3,993 / $47,927

    3 $2,407 / $28,887 $4,977 / $59,730 $5,031 / $60,381

    If monthly earnings exceed $65.00 USD – You do not need to pay spenddown.

  18. in Malaysia Selangor Petaling jaya ? I lucky to even able once a month bc they cryptic i quit after 1 session like mom counselor, a philosophy gp , . I had a nice gp that retired and in early teens different gp passed away.

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