This Is The Biggest Problem With Mental Health In Today’s World

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  1. Idek if im young anymore, I'm 28 and finally have enough financial security to go to school. Feels like I'm really just doing it so i can slave away instead of being able to feel fulfillment from my work. Like it's for me, but it's not for me ya know

  2. Having lived in both usa and India, I can say its the housing crises. Because people are living alone now. Everyone needs their own space that they need to pay for even if they lose a job and there is no family to pick up the tab. If govt made lots of low income small apartments with smaller walkable convenience stores, this would change things.

  3. 50 years ago? 1974? Right in the middle of the 1970s recession when 2.3 million jobs were lost in the US? As more Vietnam vets returned after the western exit?

    The suicide rate in the US in 1974 was 13.1 per 100,000 people. 2021 was 14.1. Not too different. Lowest rate was in 2000 at 10.4.

    There was a mental health crisis 50 years ago my dude, and there was an economic crisis. This is DSM II days; the understanding of mental illness had evolved significantly but was still in its early days. “Sexual orientation disturbance” was still a disorder. Of all people you should know that.

    You’ve missed the mark dear lad. I would have much preferred that you talk about the deplorability of organisations that have pushed social media, consumerism, and availability of developmentally inappropriate content to all. There is good data showing increase in depression, self harm, suicide, suicidal ideation, in the context of smart phones and social media introduction.

    And when you say mental health crisis – are you including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorder, major neurocognitive disorders and melancholic depression? Again I would suspect you know about how much these are biologically based (although substances and psychosocial factors can play a role). These can affect people regardless of economics and feeling lost. Rich people can develop melancholic depression and dementia. Passionate and successful creatives can develop bipolar disorder. People with no apparent genetic loading can develop first episode psychosis that can become schizophrenia while at school, without having the stressors of finding work.

  4. I used to work for 55 hours a week. Delivering newspapers, working in a lab (as a trained medical technician).

    I made fuck all, barely enough to pay rent and pay all bills. And I live in Germany, so good luck to my American friends.

    I now work 35 hours a week, share an apartment (so I basically live on a 3 person household income) and I have about the same amount of money left over for me.

    It’s depressing that I worked my ass off and it didn’t matter at all. I gave up my social life for years for essentially nothing.

  5. Working so hard just to barely stay afloat is like a beginner chess player only playing against grand masters… at a certain point it’s easy to get exhausted, to feel defeated, and to just say “fuck it” why even try if all I do is keep losing

  6. I have mental breakdowns every night. I used to have thoughts of suicide at 12. We never could afford a therapist. Friends at school keep my mental state okay. Without them I’d be dead.

    To anyone reading this, have an absolutely amazing morning, day, afternoon, or night.

  7. This is the truth of today summed up very clearly! Many of the rising generation only survive on the wealth of the previous generation … the class divide is almost becoming like a master/slave class. Middle income jobs almost do not exist today! Jobs are either extremely high tech … or farming! People are depressed because we are human and can see the degeneration of society! No amount of meditation can fix this!

  8. the shamans, our ancestors lived in far more challenging times, yet they had the curiosity to question reality around them. what is it all for? what is the thing that connects everything together? what the hell are emotions?

    they were rich in the seeking of life, seeking truth, knowledge, good, whatever that may be.

    I believe that's the only hope we have left. tbh, that's the only hope we ever had as humans, to keep hoping that life is worth living despite the unknown.

    the unknown… that seems to be bigger than any problem we will ever face… we will all find a way to fix this fucked economy & keep expanding as a species on this incredible planet 🌏❤

  9. This is bullshit. It's completely privileged and occidental oriented. 50 years ago people in certain countries and certain social level didn't have opportunities because they worked hard. That's a lie. Capitalism doesn't work that way

  10. its where you work and what you work not how hard so its ether what you like to do with no future or what brings money with out satisfaction

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